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Same time but back at the house:

Ashton's Point Of View:

I was sat with Michael in the living room. "I can't believe that there is a possibility that we all could die tonight," Michael said to me. "I know Mikey, I'm starting to think that maybe we should have gone with Luke and Calum," I say looking at him. "Me too, even though staying here was the best thing to do at least they aren't going to die tonight," He said. "Maybe we should go to them," I suggested. "But what about the others?" He asked.

"Think about it Michael, if it came to it do you actually think they would save us when it put themselves at risk?" I asked him. He stayed quiet for a while before answering. "I doubt it no" "Exactly I would rather be with people I know would have my back at all times," I say standing up. "what are you doing?" He asked me. "I'm going to pack mate, I'm going back to the boys," I said walking out of the living room and heading up the stairs.

It was awfully quiet in the house, where were the others? I heard footsteps turning I saw it was only Michael. I sighed slightly ever since we found out someone was going to die inside the house everyone's been on edge. "It's quiet isn't it," Michael said. "Tell me about it a little too quiet," I say continuing up the stairs with Michael following me. "I've got this bad feeling Ash, it's never been this quiet," He said. I had to agree with him that it has never been this quiet in the house.

"Livvie! Brody!" I called out as we reached the top of the stairs. Nothing. "Well let's have a look for them, they have to be here somewhere Ash," Michael said and pushed past me and we began looking for them, room after room. "You know what's weird Brad and Tristan are not in the house" I pointed out to Michael as we had been in their room looking for Brody and Livvie.

"Maybe they went out for food," Michael said, I nodded my head. "They would have let us know besides we would've had a meeting like before to discuss who was going out, nobody would just leave, Mikey. You know that every since we all found out someone was going to die tonight it's been so strange in the house" I said as we approached Brody's room he was sharing with Livvie ever since Luke, Yn and Calum left.

Michael was about to open the door. "Mike wait, knock first they might be doing something," I said hitting his shoulder. "I doubt it, Ash, we would hear if they were doing anything sexual," He said then laughed, he pushed the door open anyway. He walked in and I followed behind him. We both stopped, I felt the colour drain from my face. I felt sick. I looked at Michael, he looked back at me before we looked back to see what made me felt so sick in the first place.

"Michael, what are you doing?" I ask, watching as he walked to Brody and Livvie. "Checking if they're alive," He said. "well they aren't asleep Michael, I can tell you that from here," I said. "Ashton you can't just presume they're dead, they might be alive. Come over here and help me check" He said. I slowly walked over to them. "Right check Livvie's neck for a pulse alright" He instructed me.

"Okay," I said kneeling onto my knees next to Livvie's body. I hesitantly placed my finger on her neck to check for a pulse but there wasn't one. "There isn't one Michael, she's dead," I say. Who could have done this? I thought but then I remembered back to Tristan showing us his phone and the messaged he received about people was going to die in the house tonight and here we were kneeling against Livvie's and Brody's dead bodies.

"Yeah I think Brody is too," Michael said, I stood up. "Let's get out of here Michael what if Brad and Tristan come back and think we killed them," I said, standing up. "your right, let's go," He said. I walked to the door when I heard Michael scream. "Michael what the hell are you trying to give me a frickin' heart attack" I turned to see Michael trying to get up but he was stopped by Brody's hand holding wrist. "M-mi-ch-ael" I heard Brody say quietly.

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