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Third Person Point Of View:

All eight of them were near the house. Brad, Yn, Livvie and Brody were walking in front of the others as they walked slowly behind.

"Is this where they take us to their house and kill us" Michael whispered to Ashton, "Michael shut up" He said and rolled his eyes. "I was just joking," he said, Ashton looked at his friend in disbelief. "Don't you think we are all on edge already especially Luke and you go and say something like that" Ashton said quietly not wanting Luke to hear.

"What you two whispering about?" Luke asked looking at them both. "Nothing, absolutely nothing," Michael said quickly, "right let's pretend I believe you," Luke said sarcastically.

Eventually, they all came to a halt, the four boys looked up at the house they were stood in front of, it looked exactly like theirs from the outside all boarded up, apart from the fact their front door was broken exactly in the middle. It looked the same. "is this it?" Luke asked the first one to speak. Brody turned to look at him, "it is, welcome to your new home boys but let's not stand around when we could be being watched" He said and carried on walking up the path, around the side of the house through the open gate.

Everyone followed."Wait a minute, we ran out of this house because someone was trying to get in through the front door but the front door is still boarded up, what if they went around the back like we're doing now and went into the house" Livvie pointed out to Brody. "Good point, just keep your eyes open," He said turning to look at them all before carrying on walking.

One by one they walked into the house, Luke stopped at the back door. " I can't go in," he said turning to look at his three friends. "Why not?" Michael asked slightly annoyed at the blonde, especially as they were still in their pyjamas. "because what if Michael's right, what if they have brought us here to kill us" he said scared. Ashton smacked Michael up the side of the head, "See this is why I told you not to say what you did because see what has happened, Luke heard and he's scared now" Michael glared at him.

"Luke's a pussy anyway," Michael said walking around Luke and walking into the house. "Oh, look I'm one step closer to being killed," Michael said sarcastically before he carried on walking disappearing from the three boys who were stood outside views."Come on Luke, you'll be fine. They're all nice. They won't hurt you I promise" Ashton said to him, Luke looked to Calum after all Calum was the only one he really could trust but Ashton and Michael didn't know that of course. "Luke, Ashton's right you'll be fine besides I'm here with you," Calum said squeezing his shoulder in a supporting way. "You'll be fine but just hurry up a little, yeah. It's cold and we're still only in our pyjamas" Calum then said, Luke nodded his head and stepped into the house followed by Calum then Ashton.

"Just go into the living room," A voice said startling the three of them, they all turned and saw Brad leaning against the counter looking at them. Luke sighed in relief. "is that where the others are?" He asked Brad. "yep," Brad said, popping the P giving Luke a short answer. "Right come on guys, let's go to the living room," Ashton said pushing the boys to move forward, they moved forward walking to find the living room leaving Brad alone in the kitchen.

"Yeah Yeah, Brody. I'll be back in a minute. I'm just going to help Brad block the door" Calum heard Yn's voice, she came out of the living room and walked straight past them heading towards the kitchen, Calum turned and watched her walk past them without saying a word. He was disappointed a little, she didn't look at him or smile or even talk to him.

"Calum! snap out of it, the living room is to your left" Ashton said from behind him. "right sorry" He said and then walked into the living room to see the others sat in there. Michael was sat on the floor with his bags behind him, Luke had joined him.

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