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Third Person Point Of View:

Brad managed to get upstairs and started looking for yn unaware that two people had walked into the house because they had seen the flashlights from outside when they were in the street.

Brad started searching room by room, he walked into one room which was practically empty apart from a bed and a frame hanging on the wall.

Brad walked over to the frame that was on the wall and picked it up, he looked at the frame, the frame contained a picture of a family, Brad presumed it was the family that used to live here before they left, well was scared that much they left town because of the Unknown Source.

Brad looked at the photo, he couldn't remember the family at all but then again he didn't know everybody that used to live in town. He placed the picture frame back onto the wall, letting the picture hang where he found it. Brad turned around and walked out of the room with his flashlight shining bright, lighting up the way as he walked and looked for his best friend.

Yn was in a nearby room to Brad, she was looking in a chest of drawers using her flashlight as a light to be able to see what was in the drawers, but there was nothing, empty. She closed the drawers and stood up shining her flashlight around the room, the room was the same as the room Brad had left had nothing apart from a bed, but no frames.

Yn walked out of the room, the last room at the end of the landing, she went to walk across the landing when she heard a noise, she shook her head, she thought she was hearing things but then she heard it again, it was footsteps coming from downstairs. She sighed in relief thinking it was Brad, but then she heard voices."Be quiet Luke" She heard someone say, Who the hell was Luke? She thought, "I'm always quiet," Another voice said, he must be Luke she thought to herself.

She soon started to panic, Brad was downstairs, what if they found Brad? She dimmed down her flashlight and tried to remain quiet.

She then heard footsteps again but these weren't from downstairs, they were close really close, they stopped. She turned and shined her flashlight. "Brad?" She whispered, not wanting the two people downstairs to hear her.

Your Point Of View:

"Brad?" I whispered, "It's me get the flashlight out of my face will you," He said covering his eyes with his hands. "Sorry," I said, lowering the flashlight to the floor. "I thought you were looking downstairs?" I asked him, he nodded his head at me. "I was but there isn't anything down there except baked beans in the kitchen" he informed me. "so you came upstairs" "yes, to see where you were," He said back to me.

"Why are we whispering anyway?" He asked. "Because there are people downstairs," I say, whispering again. "What? since when?" He asked, " I heard a noise from downstairs, it was footsteps I thought it was you but then I heard two lots of them, then heard voices." I informed him.

"There's no one down here Luke," A voice said, the same voice I heard from before. "Well we both did see the flashlights, maybe they went upstairs" The other one, Luke I believe said.

"right let's check, but if there isn't anyone then we are leaving this house is giving me the damn creeps" I looked at Brad, he just looked at me before whispering. "Turn off your flashlight" I nodded my head, we both turned them off. I moved closer to Brad so we were touching.

 "you aren't scared are you Calum?" Luke asked. Right, so one called Luke the other is Calum. Coolio." of course not, it's just the fact- never mind let's go search upstairs," Calum said, "alright, you first" I heard a groan and then footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Quick in here" Brad whispered pulling me into the room next to the room I had just come out of moments before hearing Luke and Calum. We hid behind the door, pressed up against each other.

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