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Luke's Point Of View:

I opened my eyes to see I was in a room with bright lights shining on me. The lights were bright I had to turn my head to stop it from hurting my eyes. Where the hell was I? I thought to myself. Where were Yn and Calum, were they safe? I then thought. How did I get here? I had so many thoughts in my mind.

The last thing I remember was being in the supermarket and saw something out the corner of my eye that I couldn't remember seeing the last time I was in the supermarket, it took my interest. I knew I shouldn't have gone to look on my own but I didn't expect anything to happen.

I remember looking back a couple of times to see what Yn and Calum were doing but they were continuing to place stuff in bags and talking at the same time. I didn't want to interrupt them any way I already felt like a third wheel when I was with them. I carried on walking till I approached the object that caught my eye in the first place. I kneeled to pick it up but it was only a phone. What was a phone doing here? I remember thinking.

I looked at it and tried to turn it on but it wouldn't switch on. I was soon startled when it came on with a message on the screen. If you want the chance to save your friends, come outside. I remember thinking what the hell at the time. I didn't know if it was some sort of joke by one of the others or whether they were actually in danger especially after the message Calum got but what if they were in trouble and nobody helped?

I remember looking back to the others thinking whether I should show them the message or not. My thoughts were interrupted by seeing another flash coming from the phone, diverting my attention back to it there was another message, then another, then another. If your friends mean anything to you at all, you would come outside. Alone, all by yourself.

You know your friends won't care if you leave. I decided then and there I was probably being stupid to go outside alone but they were my friends, what if they were hurt and needed help, I would feel guilty that I didn't do anything to help them if I didn't go outside. I knew there was a possibility it could be a trick but I couldn't risk it. If it meant helping my friends then it was a risk I had to take.

Standing up, I left the bag behind and started walking towards the back exit after being instructed to do so by another text. I forgot about how unsafe it was and just kept thinking, my friends could be hurt to try to settle my nerves. I walked out the back exit, closing it silently to avoid it from getting Calum's and yn's attention as I didn't want them to wonder where I was going not like they would notice anyway when they were probably too busy with each other.

I turned around and started walking away from the back exit of the supermarket onto a street. Holding the phone in my hand as I began walking. "Hello? Is anybody there?" I asked out loud only to get no response. I carried on walking, I was a little confused as to why I found this phone and was instructed to come outside but nobody was out here, not that I could see anyone anyway it was dark out. "Hello? Anyone out here?" I asked again as I stood still. This really wasn't the best idea Luke, what if it was a trick'

"Luke" I heard my name being called, I turned trying to work out which direction I heard my name being called from but it went silent again. "This really isn't funny!" I yelled out, starting to walk in another direction. "Luke" I heard my name again but this time it was behind me. I slowly turned around to expect to see somebody I didn't know but I was really shocked when I turned around to see Brad standing there.

"Brad, what are you doing here?" I asked raising my eyebrow as I looked at him. "Why do you think I'm here Luke?" He said mockingly, I then noticed him shaking a phone in his hand. I gulped and took a step back. "you- you sent the messages to that phone in the supermarket" I said shocked.

"Well done Luke, Well done but don't you want to know why I sent those messages?" He asked me while taking a step forward. "Why?" I asked continuing to step back. None of it made any sense to me at this precise moment in time but I  was soon to discover why Brad was sending those messages.

"Because Tristan wasn't the only one working for the Unknown Source, Luke. I was too" Brad said to me. I stood there shocked by what I was hearing. It didn't make any sense Tristan tried to kill Brad, but why would he do that to Brad if it was the truth. "You work for the unknown source?" I ask.

"Yes he does, Luke. All this time everything that's happened has been part of the plan" I heard a voice behind me, turning around I saw Tristan. "Plan for what exactly?" I ask. "You'll find out sooner or later Luke but for now you're no longer needed in the town," Brad said from behind me and that was the last time I saw him or Tristan as the next thing I remember is waking up in the room, I was in now.

I couldn't actually believe that after everything that happened in that house with the others, it was all apart of a plan, it was planned for Tristan to attack Brad, every little thing it was planned, I couldn't help but think, what was planned for me and the others? "Ah Luke you're finally awake, that's good we didn't want you to die, not yet anyway" I heard someone say then multiple chuckles afterwards.

"Where are Brad and Tristan?" I ask turning my head trying to see the speakers but the bright lights made me squint. "They've gone back to the others Luke, but don't worry your blonde little head you will be seeing your friends sooner than you think" 

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