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Livvie's Point Of View Continued:

"Well that was strange don't you think?"Tristan said to me. "What do you mean?" I ask him, he looked at me. "It's like she couldn't get out of the kitchen quick enough when I walked in," he said. "Okay, that doesn't mean anything Tristan, she just wanted to get back to Brad," I say, honestly even though it was a bit weird how she left quickly when Tristan entered the room.

What if it was Tristan? I thought to myself but I shook my head and said "no" to the idea of it being Tristan. Tristan was nice. "what?" I heard Tristan ask, I looked at him for a few seconds before realising I must have said it out loud. "Sorry I was just thinking out loud, I do it sometimes," I say as a reason why I said no out loud."Oh right okay" He chuckled before going to the fridge which I watched.

I then decided I needed to tell a Brody about what Yn said as if it wasn't Calum that tried to kill Brad and yn knew who it was. That meant one thing someone else under this roof tried to instead, but who and why would they do such a thing?

I walked out of the kitchen looking for Brody. I walked to the living area to see Ashton and Michael sat chatting. "Any of you two seen Brody? " I ask them. "Nope," Michael said to me before continuing his conversation with Ashton. Knowing he wasn't downstairs he had to be upstairs or in the loft. I walked up the stairs, across the landing and walked to his room and walked in not bothering to knock. "Brody you in here babe," I said before entering. Nothing. He wasn't in there.

I began looking in the room and came to the room Luke, Michael, Ashton and Calum were sharing. I knocked on their door, "come in!"

I pushed the door and walked in, "what?" Calum asked me, not very nice. "Have you seen Brody? " I asked, ignoring how he had talked to me. He didn't like me at the moment. "He's with yn," Luke said looking at me. "Right thanks," I say, turning around and walking out.

"Livvie!" I heard Calum say my name, I turned back around again and walked into the room, thinking that maybe he would apologise to me. "Yeah?" "Shut the damn door," He said. "Because you asked so fucking nicely," I say sarcastically hearing Luke chuckle. I walked and slammed the door behind me.

I walked to yn's room, opened the door annoyed about Calum. I walked in and saw Brody was in here talking to yn. They both noticed my presence and stopped talking. "Well don't stop on my account," I say sarcastically closing the door behind myself.

I saw yn roll her eyes and look back at Brad not either of them continuing the conversation they were having before I walked in. "Shall I leave the room so you both can finish your conversation because it's obvious you don't want to talk about it when I'm here?" I say annoyed, crossing my arms.

"What the hell is wrong with you today?" Brody asked me noticing my attitude. "Nothing, I'm fine" "well if you're going to lie to me then fine I don't care," he said, leaving me shocked. I couldn't believe he had spoken to me like that, he never has before. Why now? "Can we not all be horrible with each other, we don't need that but if you are going to continue then just leave the room. I don't want to hear arguing" Yn said looking at us both. "Sorry," I apologised to both of them. I walked over and sat down next to them. "So any developments?" I ask breaking the silence that had fell.

Yn's Point Of View:

"So any developments?" Livvie asked. I sighed, "He's still the same," I say, she sighed. " I just don't want him to die" She then said. "He's not going to die, he's strong. He will regain consciousness and he will wake up" I say confidently even though deep down, I was starting to lose hope.

"Yeah you're right Brad's strong so I think for Brad you need to tell us the truth," She said. I looked at Livvie, eyebrow raised. "What do you mean, tell you the truth?" I ask. "You know the truth about who tried to kill Brad. You told me it wasn't Calum but you wouldn't tell me who it actually was" She said, I noticed Brody looking at me. "It was someone else?" He asked me.

Sighing, I said "yes" before standing up. "Who?" He then asked. " I can't tell you, I really want to but I can't," I say. "Yes you can tell us, you need to tell us so we can get the person out of the house," Brody said I shook my head. "It's already too late, it's already too late to get them out. If I told you who it was and we all started going against them it could turn bad look what the person did to Brad for heaven sakes and blamed it on Calum" I say reminding them.

"Who says it wasn't Calum and he's just brainwashed you into believing it wasn't him" Brody then said, I cut my eyes at him and said dead serious "it wasn't Calum" "then tell us who it was" Livvie pleaded with me. I looked back at Brad then them, "I- I can't I'm sorry. I can't risk Brad getting hurt" I say, hearing Brody scoff. "That's ridiculous just fucking tell us yn, we have a right to know who it is if isn't Calum!" Brody shouted at me.

I stood my ground, I wanted to tell them but I couldn't. I wasn't going to risk Brad's life just so they could know who the actually attempted murderer was. "Well, some friend you turned out to be," Brody said disgustedly while standing up. Livvie stood up with him. "I'm doing what's right here!" I say. "Doing what's right? Your kiddin'. You're not doing what's right, what is, is telling us what you know but you won't because you only care about yourself" Brody then spat.

I shook my head, "That's so not true, I care about all of you. Every single last one of you. You don't know what it's like knowing something so bad that you want to share but you can't" "Then fuckin' tell us"

"I can't Brody, I can't tell you," I say again. "You know what fine, I see how it is. You don't trust us." He said I rolled my eyes. "That's just silly"

"No, you know what's silly? dating someone you barely know, that's silly. " Brody said and walked over to the door.

I didn't know what to say to that, I just looked back at Brad wishing and hoping he would wake up. "Oh and you know what's worse than not being able to trust your own friend, seeing one of your best friends changing because of some random guy that has come into her life"

I then heard the door open and heard them both walk out. I looked to the door, sighing I got up and walked over to the door going to shut it when it was stopped by afoot.

Looking up I saw Tristan blocking it. He looked at me and sent me a smile, my body froze. "Mind if I come in?" Relax and pretend you don't know it was him that tried to kill Brad. "Y-yeah sure," I say walking away, walking back to the bed and sitting on the edge as Brad lied still.

"Thanks" I heard him say from behind me. I heard the door close, I looked to see him standing with his back to the door looking at me.

"I know you know," he said, walking over to me. "Know what?" I ask, my heart starting to beat rapidly as I watched him walking closer and closer to me. "I think you know Yn," He said grabbing me by the arms and pulling me up to stand. His grip on my arms tightened. I tried my best not to wince but it hurt a lot.

"Let go of me-" "I know you know who tried to kill Bradley here," He said amused. I looked at him disgusted, how could he be amused?

"I know you know it was me but now we have a problem. What am I going to do with you" He said trying to scare me, the worst part is it actually did. 

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