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Your Point Of View:

"Oh but that is where you're wrong. I can. There is a rule, I and Brody made that no one in the house could date another person who is living under the same roof" Brad said walking out of the room. "He's making that upright?" Calum asked, standing behind me. I turned to look at him. "I don't know, I've never heard of it before but there's only one way to find out," I say to him. "By talking to Brody" Calum added, I nodded my head. "Yes," I said before grabbing his hand and making him walk with me to Brody's room.

"Do you think he's still awake it's getting late?" Calum said to me. "Hopefully he will be," I say as we got to his room he shared with Brad and Tristan. I knocked on his door, letting go of Calum's hand. He opened the door standing in his boxers. I looked at him, "are you busy?" I asked him. He scratched the back of his neck. "Kind of yes"

"Brody are you coming back to bed" I heard Livvie, why was she there? I pushed the door open to see her lying in his bed and then I knew Brad was a liar.

"Well, you could have told me you two were together but have fun." I grinned, "any idea where Brad is?" I asked him. "Try the attic," he said before closing the door on us. "Well looks like that rule was a load of bull," Calum said. "Yep. Now I'm going to have a chat with Brad" I say, looking back at Calum.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asks grabbing my hand, "I would love you to come but I think it's better if it was just me and Brad" I say to him. "Alright, just shout if you need me," he says kissing my cheek and letting go of my hand before he walked away. I climbed up to the attic and he was there like Brody said. "Bradley Will Simpson," I said his full name, he stopped and turned looking at me. I pulled myself up and began walking over to him as he stood up.

"Yn y/l/n" he mocked me. " so this rule you and Brody made tell me again what it was about," I said to him. "You know what I said yn," he said looking at me. "So when did you make this rule, you and Brody?" I asked him. " a long time ago," he said not sure about his answer.

"You don't seem so sure about your answer Bradley. You know what I think?" I asked him. "What?" He asked raising one eyebrow at me. "I think you were lying," I say, "I think you were lying because you're jealous" I added.

He laughed sarcastically, "I'm not jealous of Calum," he said sharply. "I didn't say you were jealous of Calum, Brad. You just said it yourself but what I want to know is why would you lie and make up such a rule like that, what were you trying to achieve?" I asked him. "I wasn't trying to achieve anything, I was just hoping you would see sense," he said before sitting back down. "See sense about what, I don't get what I possibly need to see sense about Brad," I say, confused.

He groaned loudly. "Do I have to spell it out to you?" He asked annoyed. " No, just tell me why you lied about what you did," I say, it being my turn to get annoyed. "Because I did" "That's no an explanation," I say. "Why does it matter so much?" He asked looking up at me. I sat back down next to him. "Because you know that I hate when people lie to me," I say. " I wouldn't say I was lying-" "yes you were Brad, you lied to me and Calum just because you saw us kissing. " I say, he scoffed.

"Well It's not my fault that I think you and Calum would be a bad idea," he says, "ah so that is why you lied about this 'rule' then because you think we would be a bad idea," I say he just stayed quiet. "is it such a bad idea the thought of me and Calum," I say quietly. "I just don't think he would treat you like you deserve to be treated. He doesn't know you, yn not as I do." He says I looked at him. "I know he doesn't know me as you do but Brad, you don't understand. I really really like him" I say, honestly. He frowned. "What makes him so special. I've known you for so long and yet you don't know him and you like him. Why him? What's wrong with me!" He said raising his voice a little.

I looked at him taken back, by his sudden outburst and his last words. I thought me and Brad had the understanding that we would never see each other more than best friends, I said I saw him like a brother nothing more and he even agreed that he saw me as a sister.

"Brad, you know I only see you like a brother, you even said yourself you saw me as a sister, "I say trying to understand. " Well guess I was lying," he says looking at me. "What?"

"I was lying alright, all this time I was lying to you, why do you think I've been acting the way I have because I like you," he says, I shake my head. "This doesn't make sense, I would know if you liked me. There's no way it's possible-" " Yn, listen I'm not telling you now because you want to get with Calum. I wanted to tell you for a long time" he says.

"Then why couldn't you, if you like me like you say you do why didn't you tell me before, why now brad. It seems a bit weird you telling me this straight after you see me kissing Calum" I say raising my eyebrow at him.

" I'm not lying if that's what you're thinking. I actually do like you. I was afraid alright. I was afraid of telling you but then I thought what the heck I would tell you hoping that you might like me even though you said you only saw me as a brother. I took a risk and obviously it didn't pay off because you would rather date a stranger who could be after one thing than date me, who knows you very well" he said shaking his head.

"Brad, I'm going to tell you this one time and one time only I will never see you more than a brother or best friend. You're not my type, I'm sorry. " I say, standing up. "Yet some stranger who you have just met wins your affection just like that, you're asking for trouble yn, " he says but I ignored him as I started walking to climb down from the attic.

"You're asking for trouble and your parents would be so disappointed in you for wanting to be with someone you hardly know. Are you stupid!" He shouted. I stopped and turned to look at him.

"You're horrible. You're fucking horrible, Brad. No wonder your ex-girlfriend fucking left you for your own best friend!" I spat, he glared at me. "Don't talk about her!" He said as he looked at me, his eyes full of anger. He hated his ex. "Don't ever speak about my parents. You have no right." I said coldly before turning back around and climbing down from the attic while shaking my head.

I couldn't believe that Brad liked me and two how he said my parents would be so disappointed with me because I wanted to be with Calum, I couldn't help that I liked Calum. I wasn't going to let what he said get to me because he was jealous. After all, I didn't want him as he wanted me. Besides, even if I did like Brad which I don't everyone knows dating the boy who used to be your best friend ends badly anyway. 

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