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Yn's Point Of View:

We walked all the way to the supermarket, Luke pushed the door open and Calum walked in followed by me then Luke. We walked in and we were surrounded by darkness. "We don't have flashlights how are we supposed to see?" I asked the boys. "See that's where you are wrong, while you two lover birds were making out upstairs I managed to find flashlights that work," Luke said, I hear a bag being unzipped.

"Give me your hand," He said to both of us, we did just that and Luke placed a flashlight in each of our hands. We turned them on then separated going down different aisles, well I say separated me and Calum went down one while Luke did another. Calum insisted he went with me to keep me safe he said more like he didn't want to be alone in a dark supermarket.

We walked, filling up the bags with different stuff and not once did Calum leave my side, he would be there. I zipped up my bag when it was near enough full. "Where's Luke?" I ask Calum. "I have no idea," Calum said. "Luke!" We both called out to him, only to not hear anything in return. We looked at each other. "He wouldn't just leave," Calum said to me.

I just couldn't stop thinking about the text message Calum received, the words kept going round in my mind. What if those words meant the unknown source was going take somebody and they've taken Luke?

"Cal what if Luke hasn't left what if he's been taken," I say looking at him. "What do you mean? " He asked me. What did he not get from the words I had already spoken?

"I think he's gone as in taken by the unknown source Calum, one minute he's here and next he's gone. It makes sense, the text message you had. It has to be the reason behind the text message right" I said getting a bad feeling. "No, I don't think that's it. He wouldn't just go besides we would have heard them come in here if they did take Luke" Calum said ignoring my idea completely."Well, where is he then Calum? He didn't just vanish off the earth" I say sarcastically. "I know that but let's calm down alright. Luke hasn't been taken" He said.

"And how do you know that? You've been by my side since we entered Luke has always been away from us. Who says the unknown source didn't sneak in and take him without making any noise" I state, trying to get Calum to come round to the idea Luke could have been taken.

If not, where was he?

Yet again Calum disagreed with me about Luke being taken, didn't he care that his friend might have been taken? It annoyed me slightly as I was concerned about Luke and Calum not so much, it's his best friend he should be more worried than I am.

"Why are you so concerned anyway about him, he's not your boyfriend or anything?" He asked me, thanks to the flashlight I could see an unhappy expression clearly on his face with a hint of jealousy.

But neither are you, I thought before answering his question. "He's my friend, yes I might not have known him for as long as you have but I still care about him and no not in the sense of anything more than a friendship," I say seeing Calum's face relax.

"I know, I'm sorry. I guess it's just you being all worried about him got me kinder jealous" He said muttering the word jealous. "Sorry, what was that?" I ask him. "What was what?" "The last word I didn't quite hear it as you muttered," I say a small smirk playing at my lips as he repeats himself even though I heard him before he repeated himself anyway so this time I could hear him.

"I find it cute that you get jealous over little things Cal," I say placing my bag onto the floor to hug him, he did the same and hugged me back, he squeezed me a little. "Yeah well a beautiful girl like you I don't want to lose you," He said, a smile appeared on my face from his words. "You won't lose me," I say pulling away from the hug and leaning over to pick up my bag, only to feel a smack on my bottom.

"Calum!" I looked up at him to see a cheeky grin on his lips. "Sorry babe, but if you've got an ass like that it's begging to be smacked," He said picking up his own bag. "Right let's go and have a look for Luke," He said as he walked ahead, I followed behind him as we started our search for Luke. He had to be somewhere, right? Unless like I thought before the Unknown Source has taken him but why? What would they want from Luke?

"I still can't get that message out of my head, do you think the others got the same message?" I said to Calum as we were now walking side by side. " I honestly don't know, maybe they did, maybe they didn't. Why do you want to go back and see?" He asked, stopping walking to look at me. "No, well. I don't know. Should we?" I ask him. "Well think of it this way, we go back they're going to think that we couldn't survive without them." He said but the way he spoke, it was like he was determined to try to stop me from wanting to go back to the house.

But why? I didn't quite understand why he wouldn't want me to go back, yes his friends didn't want to come but what if there was a slight chance the others had the message, we would be able to work together to find out what the message meant. No, Calum didn't want me going back for some reason, he didn't even have to say the words. I could tell from the words he had already said what he really meant.

"I know that but what if they had the same message you had Calum, we might be able to sort it out together," I say, he laughed at me. I didn't understand what I had said that made him laugh the way he did. "How could they help us? They didn't even realise they were living in the same house as attempted murder and person working for the unknown source" He said continuing to walk ahead. "So that's a no then?" I ask. "That's right. We're not going back to them or that house. We're going to stay on our own. It's the safest thing to do" He said sternly.

After that conversation about going back to the house with Calum, I didn't really speak again I honestly didn't know the reason why he was talking the way he was to me, I just put it down to that maybe he was worried about Luke as we still haven't found him yet. I just hope we find Luke soon so we can go back to normal and get back to Calum's house.

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