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Calum's Point Of View:

We were never going to be alone were we, there would always be something but I guess that what happens when you're not on the priority scale. I was probably halfway on it. Don't think like that Calum, that's not true. It felt like it but I guess I could slightly be overreacting because she wouldn't stay here with me as she wanted to get back to Brad.

"Calum wait up!" I hear Yn yell from behind me. I slowed down walking allowing her to catch up with me. She was soon beside me. I felt bad for storming off but I couldn't help how I felt, or how I felt about her either. I know I haven't known her long but you know when you've found the one. You know.

"I'm sorry about saying no to your idea Calum," She said breaking the silence, I nodded my head. "It's fine you have to get back to Brad, I understand," I say continuing to walk ahead only to be pulled back by Yn grabbing my hand. "No, you don't understand" She starts saying, I look at her. " I would have stayed with you Calum, I wanted to but you know what happened to Brad, you know that it was Tristan, Luke's looking after him, how long will it be before he has to leave him alone to use the bathroom or get something to eat.

I made him promise me not to tell anybody else about it being Tristan who attacked Brad. If it wasn't for all that, Calum I would have said yes because I want to spend alone time with you" She said, I nodded my head. "It's fine, I understand," I say still a bit disappointed.

"I know you're disappointed Calum" I shake my head at that even though it was true, I was disappointed but can you blame me I really wanted to spend alone time with her. "You know it's true" She then adds, sighing I nod my head. "I am disappointed, alright.

I feel like that would be the only alone time we would have had together before going back to the house" I say honestly. "it won't be the last chance" She says, I raised my eyebrow. "why what you going to do?" I ask curiously. "first. I'm going to do." She says, stepping closer to me. "do what?" "this," She says grabbing my shirt and pulling me closer to her, our bodies pressed against each other. She then smiled before kissing me.

I was taken back by her gesture, but when the realisation hit me about what was happening right now, my lips starting to move against hers, our lips moving in sync with one another. My eyes closing. Her soft lips, moving against my slight rougher lips. I really wanted to bite her bottom lip, to allow my tongue to slip into her mouth but remembering before what she said, she wanted to take it slow, I stopped myself from doing that, I also stopped myself from getting too carried away so I pulled away and opened my eyes, to see Yn opening her eyes. She looked at me, a smile appearing on her face, I mirrored her expression a smile appearing on my own.

"well that was unexpected," I say continuing to smile. "yeah well don't act like you didn't like it, Calum Hood," She says, I grinned at her. " I didn't like it, I loved it, do you know how hard it was for me to stop myself from biting your bottom lip just so I could slip my tongue into your mouth?" I asked. "I don't know, how hard?" she asked grinning. "Very very hard," I say pecking her lips again. She pulled away this time. "Even though I love this very much, we need to go," She said reminding me that we were on our way back to the house.

We started walking again, I looked down at her hand, wanting to hold it but not knowing if that would be too soon. But kissing her isn't too soon? I did it anyway, taking a risk. I held her hand, she then intertwined our fingers and we continued to walk down the street, the dark dark street, down the dark dark abandoned street, walking to the abandoned house where we were now living, walking past the other abandoned houses where people used to live.

"You know I still don't get why that person said that about Luke, saying Luke couldn't be trusted," She said. "I know, I don't understand either why the person said what he did. It's weird." I say, she looked at me.

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