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Third Persons Point Of View:

As it was silent in the house, Calum and Yn were still in Calum's old room on the bed cuddling. Calum looked down at Yn as her head was on his chest. He felt bad, he really did. He couldn't begin to think about how yn must be feeling to find out her friends were dead and killed by her best friend, or so she thought.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her as he started playing with her hair. "Well if one of your best friends killed the others, how would you be feeling?" She replied with slight sarcasm- not meaning anything by it but what did Calum expect he asked a stupid question, how did he expect her to be feeling?

"Sorry that was a stupid question" Calum apologised to her. "You don't need to apologise Calum, you haven't done anything wrong," She said back to him, she raised her head to look at him. He looked down at the girl he was starting to like more than he should. He knew lying wasn't a good thing to do, he knew what he was doing wasn't part of the plan. He wasn't supposed to like her not when he already had a girlfriend back at the base of TUS.

He felt the guilt of lying starting to cloud his brain, he knew when he signed up to be apart of the Unknown Source he would have to do what he signed up to do obviously but he never thought he would end up feeling the way he was. It was a job for him; it shouldn't have been anything more than just a job but it didn't turn out that way.

It was more than that, so as he looked at the girl whose head was now lying on his chest again he couldn't help but feel guilty, that everything that had happened, everything she felt, everything she once thought was real was all a lie. Every last thing was a lie, it was a test. Every last bit of it, it was all a test to test her and the others to see how they would cope under different circumstances that were from them.

The test was coming to an end, Calum's job was nearly over, all the lying, all the pretending would be over. It would be the end of all the lies he once told, all the pretending he had to do. The act would be over but his feelings weren't something he could end just like that.

He couldn't begin to think about how Yn and the others would react and feel once they found out the truth because the truth wasn't far away as the test was nearly over. He knew that the minute they were told Brody and Livvie were dead by Ashton and Michael. It was coming to an end.

As Calum played with Yn's hair, he closed his eyes as he continued his thinking, she was going to hate him when the truth came out. She wouldn't want him close to her as he was now, she was going to hate him and that thought made a tear escape Calum's tear ducts and escape his eye. He brought it upon himself, he was the one who signed up to be apart of the Unknown Source association, he was the one who took the job and now he would have to face the reality when the truth was revealed.

Calum didn't want the truth to be revealed, he wanted to stay like this, just the two of them but he knew the truth was closer to being revealed when Ashton came running in breaking the silence that was in the room saying that, "Brad and Tristan are here" Calum didn't even get the chance to count to three, in his head before Yn removed herself from his embrace and was on her feet, heading out the door. "Yn what are you doing?" He called after her. "Well if Brad is here, is it really hard to work out what she is doing, Cal," Ashton said before he walked out the room, Calum hurried to get to his feet before following the two out of the room. "Yn!" Calum yelled, knowing for a fact she was going to confront Brad.

Luke's Point Of View:

It felt like hours since I woke up in this room, the light was continuously shining on me. It was like I was under interrogation or something, but why? What had I done? Nothing that I could think of anyway. My eyes still weren't getting used to the light it was still very bright. My eyes were hurting so bad from the brightness I had to keep my eyes closed. I didn't like doing it as anything or anyone could walk into this room and I couldn't see anything but I had to take the chance.

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