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Luke's Point Of View:

I looked back out the window once yn had left the attic, was it bad that I asked her what she was thinking about? Yes. After all, I was only trying to make conversation and seem interested in what she was saying to me.

Yet, I felt like I had crossed a line slightly as she got all defensive, it seemed to me that she was shocked that someone asked her what she was thinking about, maybe it was personal things and she didn't want to tell me about them. I don't get why she couldn't tell me or less she had trust issues like me but hid it well, I don't know. I didn't know her not like her friends.

I stayed in the attic for a while before climbing back down and heading towards the room I shared with the boys. I heard a noise turning around being curious, I saw Brody standing in the middle of the landing, facing towards me. I could see him because of the lamps on the landing.

"Brody are you alright?" I asked him, there was no response. Walking closer to him, I stopped in front of him. He was still, his chest rising then falling as he breathed. His eyes wide open, was he sleepwalking?

"Brody," I said his name to make sure, he didn't reply he just started walking past me, I turned and watched him walking towards the bathroom but he walked into the wall. Ouch!

Shaking my head I went to walk to him when Livvie's door opened, she looked at me. "Don't worry, I've got him" she said. I nodded my head, "alright" I then headed back to the room I shared with the boys, opening the door walking in I closed the door behind myself.

I was starting to realise things about the others already, Brad could be too overprotective and I swear he had anger issues. Yn, I think has trust issues and Brody sleepwalks. I walked over to my bed, and got onto the air bed and pulled my cover over my body and closed my eyes. Night one of sleeping in a different house.

Third Person Point Of View:

When everyone was finally asleep, Luke being the last one to fall asleep. The house was quiet apart from the snoring coming from some of the boys. The clock was ticking on the wall. While all eight of them were asleep there was another person on the street, the opposite side standing looking at the house.

He was looking at the house knowing that they were probably all asleep not aware that he was watching them and waiting to make his move. He was going to get in that house, one way or another if he had to play dirty then he would. He needed to get into that house for the plan to work besides he was working for the unknown source. He had a job to do and his first job was to get in that house.

He knew eventually they would need to leave the house to get food and when they did, he would be waiting but for now, he would stay hidden until the time was right to show himself. He disappeared from the street like nobody was there looking at the house where eight of them were now living.

Yn's Point Of View:

The next morning, I got out of bed and stretched while yawning before walking over to my dressing table, picking up my brush and brushing my hair to make it look presentable. Before when it was Brad and Brody I didn't care but now I did, there were six boys in this house now and I had to look presentable slightly. I placed my brush back down and put my hair into a ponytail. I walked over to my door, placing my hand on the doorknob and pulled the door open and walked out, along with the landing down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen to my surprise Calum was in here already eating a cereal bar.

"Morning," I say as I walked in and noticed him, "mwor-ning," he said back while having a mouthful of his cereal bar but luckily I knew what he meant, I smiled and walked to the cupboard to get myself one before joining him at the table. "How did you sleep?" I asked him as I opened my cereal bar. " Good thanks, what about you?" He asked looking at me. "Yeah good eventually after I got to sleep. I was awake for a long time" I say before taking a bite. We continued to eat in silence before I spoke up, " so before the town turned like this I bet you had a girlfriend " I say, looking at the handsome boy in front of me.

He raised his eyebrow at me, then grinned. "Why you worried you got competition?" He asked I shook my head while grinning." No, not at all, I don't need competition I always get what I want" I said confidently before biting down onto my bar keeping eye contact with him. "Well, I always get what I want too," he said back as twice as confident as I said myself. "Oh, so what does Calum want?" I ask flirtatiously, he grinned at me. "What I want? You want to know what I want" he said as he walked around the table to me. I turned my whole body to look at him. He leant down and whispered in my ear, " I want you-" he started saying when in walked Brody singing to himself.

"Morning guys," Brody said happily as he sat at the table, Calum went back to his seat leaving me slightly disappointed as he never finished what he was going to say. "Hey Brody," I said slowly, looking at Calum who now had stood up and walked out of the kitchen with his cereal bar. I watched him walk out, "did I interrupt a moment before I walked in?" Brody asked I turned to look at him. "No of course not" I lied, shaking my head. He raised his eyebrow at me, "are you sure?" He then asked. "Positive," I say, he believed me and then started talking about how we needed to go to the supermarket again for food.

I couldn't help but wonder what Calum was going to say, I hope I would find out soon because if not it would annoy me.

Calum's Point Of View:

I walked back into the room, I shared with the boys to walk in to see Michael and Ashton still asleep and Luke was awake, he was getting dressed. "Morning," I said startling him, he jumped and then glared at me. "Geez Calum you scared me," he said, I chuckled. "Sorry mate"

I apologised, before getting a fresh pair of clothes and boxers so I could change. After changing I threw my old clothes into the washing basket in our room ready for washing day, luckily it was tomorrow so they wouldn't smell out the room.

"You know I found something out last night," Luke said gaining my attention as I turned to look at him while adjusting my jumper. "What was that?" I ask, being curious. "Brody sleepwalks," he said. "Wow," I say, not knowing what to say back to that. "I know, it was weird I saw him last night after coming out of the attic when I was up there with yn. He was sleepwalking and bumped into one of the doors and Livvie came out and helped him" he told me.

"Why were you in the attic with yn?" I asked crossing my arms. "I went up there and she was there already, don't worry Calum. I wasn't making a move. I don't like her as you do but I owe her an apology" he said and exited the room before I had a chance to ask him why he had to apologise to her.

Unknown Point of View:

I was sat waiting, watching the house waiting for someone to come out but no one had left the house since I had gotten here. I knew someone would leave the house sooner or later because there is now eight of them instead of four which means they will need double the amount of food and drinks.

As soon as someone left I would follow, and work my plan to get into that house with them. I was waiting for the girls really as it would be easier to get them to trust me than the boys. I was sat here for hours, it turned dark and I was getting bored of sitting here watching but it was like God answered my prayers as I saw three figures running down the street heading towards the supermarket I was guessing. Grinning, I picked up my bag and placed the strap over my shoulder as I made my way to the supermarket using a short cut so I could get there before them. Time to work my magic, I thought.

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