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Tristan's Point Of View continued:

I had my hands wrapped around Brad's neck not pressing down to leave marks. I was ready to finish him off, kill him in other words. I looked down at him, his body still at the moment. He has to go, Tristan, he has to go. I was about to start to put pressure on his neck to stop him from breathing but I heard someone walking up the stairs. Getting up quickly panicking, I walked out of the room and quietly tiptoed to the bathroom to avoid being seen and caught hovering over Brad's unconscious body.

Calum's Point Of View:

I walked away from the others, walking out the living room and up the stairs. I walked across the landing and headed towards mine and the boy's bedroom. I stopped, wanting to ask Brad how he was feeling after finding out that his parents died the same way mine did. I walked over to the door as it was left open slightly. I knocked on the door in case Brad was changing. "Hey, Brad you in here?" I asked after knocking. It was silent. He had to be up here somewhere as he wasn't downstairs. I knocked again, nothing.

"Brad?" I asked pushing the door open and walking in. "Brad you in here?" I asked again hoping to get a response. I looked around the room and then saw him lying on the floor, not moving. I hurried over to him and kneeled beside him. "Brad, you alright?" I asked him, no response. I then noticed the blood on the floor. I lifted his head slightly with my hands and noticed blood was coming from his head.

"Brad mate, wake up. come on Brad wake up" I say worried and panicking. What if he was dead? What's happened to him?

"Come on mate wake up," I said again placing his head down gently to the floor trying to avoid any more damage to his head. I looked down at my hands to see blood on them, feeling sick by the sight. I ignored the feeling and placed my hand on his neck checking for a pulse. It was weak. What could I do, I couldn't leave him but he needed help. What do I do? Yell for someone?

"Hey Brad, have you -" I heard a voice I turned around and saw Tristan standing at the doorway, looking shocked. "Tristan, I don't know what's happened. He was just lying here." I say standing up holding my hands up. "I didn't do anything," I say slightly worried he would think it was me.

"What did you do Calum?" He yelled, rather loudly. That loud that I heard running up the stairs. Yn was soon in the room. Her eyes landed on Brad, she soon ran over to him and kneeled beside him as I did. "Brad wake up," She said to his unconscious body. "What the hell is all the shouting about?" Brody asked walking into the room. "Calum's attacked Brad," Tristan said to him. Brody looked at me. "I didn't do that-" I went to say but I didn't have a chance as I was cut off. "Why would you do that. Why would you hurt him he never once laid a finger on you and you attacked him. Why Calum, why?" Yn yelled while looking at me.

I shook my head while walking closer to her. "Yn listen I didn't hurt him, I came in here and he was lying there. Blood all over the floor-" I started to explain but was cut off again. "Bullshit you have blood all over your hands Calum. It's obvious you did it but why Brad's never done anything to hurt you. Why would you do that?" Tristan asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yn you have to believe me. I didn't hurt him. I wouldn't do that to you" I say walking closer to her. She shook her head, " I don't believe you. Tristan saw you in here with blood on your hands, Brad's blood" she said looking back at Brad. She checked his pulse. "He's breathing can someone get me the first aid box please?" She asked. "I'll do it," I say. "No, I don't want your help," she said eyeing me. "I'll get it," Brody said before leaving the room.

"Calum I think it might be best if you leave the room," Tristan said to me. "No, I'm not leaving because I didn't do anything wrong here. Yn, listen to me" I say standing next to her now. I went to kneel but she pushed me away. "Get lost Calum. I don't want to see you." She spat. I looked at her to see she had tears in her eyes.

"Brad come on, you need to wake up," she said brushing his curls out of his face. " You can't leave me. I won't let you" she said talking to him.

I stood up and walked away, walking past Tristan. " horrible bastard" he spat at me. " I didn't do anything," I say looking at him. "Then why is brad lying there if you didn't do anything Calum. Explain that to me? Did he do it to himself? no, he didn't because you did it" Tristan said.

Brody soon walked back into the room and pushed me out closing the door behind himself. I walked along the hallways my eyes tearing up, why did this have to happen?

Everything was going great and then this happened, wrecking everything. Yn hates me now, I can tell. She hates me for something I didn't even do. I didn't hurt Brad. Why would I? Yes, we haven't seen eye to eye but we kinder settled our differences for yn. So why after doing that would I go and attack him?

I walked down the stairs, a step at a time. Livvie came running up pushing me to the side I hit the wall. "Bastard," she said to me before she continued up them. Sighing, I continued down the stairs trying not to touch anything because of the blood on my hands.

I noticed the boys in the living room with the lamps on. The tears started to roll down my face. I couldn't wipe them away I didn't want Brad's blood on my face not when it was already on my hands.

"Calum what's up?" Michael asked me. I walked into the living room. I heard gasps. "It's true isn't it, you hurt Brad," Luke said looking at my hands. I shook my head. "N-no, no I didn't. I didn't hurt Brad. I found him and looked at his head as I found blood on the floor that's how I got his blood on my hands. I didn't hurt Brad, I didn't. Please say you believe me, guys. " I said looking at them all, one by one

They all stood there silently looking at me.

" There's blood on your hands Calum. Tristan saw you Brody told us. I can't believe after everything you would hurt him. What's happened to you? Where is the Calum I used to know?" Luke said, shaking his head in disappointment. Luke went to walk past me, I went to grab him.

Luke stepped back. "Don't touch me. I don't want you to touch me." He spat coldly. "Luke please I didn't do it," I say, my bottom lip quivering as the tears continued rolling down my face.

"Save your words for someone who believes you," Luke said before walking past me, knocking into me with his shoulders as he did so. " Luke" I watched him walk away. I turned to look at Michael and Ashton. "Please tell me you believe me, guys," I asked hopefully.

"Sorry Calum, you were the only one upstairs. " Ashton said walking past me Michael following pursuit, I  turned and watched them walk up the stairs, Luke ahead of them slightly. I shook my head.

Why didn't no one believe me? It wasn't me.

I couldn't take this, I wasn't going to sit around and wait for people to believe me. They weren't going to believe me, I knew that but I couldn't stay here. I couldn't stay here when YN hated me. I couldn't, I had to go.

I walked out of the living room and along to the kitchen, I removed all the wood from the back door and then opened the door. I walked out, walked around to the side gate, opened it and started running away from the house, down the street.

I honestly didn't care at this point if the unknown source was out on the street, they could attack me or even kill me and I wouldn't care. I already lost my family ages ago. I lost the boys and I also lost yn over something I didn't do, so I couldn't care less what happened to me as I' have already lost everything I ever cared about.

I didn't know where I was going, I just kept on running down the different streets, running as if my life depended on it. I had to get away from that house, I couldn't be there when everyone was blaming me.

I was gone from that house whether or not anyone would care or notice, I don't know. I just had one thing running around my mind if I didn't hurt Brad then who did and did it relate to the unknown source somehow? 

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