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Brad's Point Of View:

Was I the only one that thought breaking that laptop was a bad idea, we should have kept it. I still think one of them has that file because how can we actually trust people we don't know anything about? You can't not really, no matter how many times you tell yourself you can; you can't.

"So sleeping arrangements," Brody says after the broken laptop was thrown in the bin and Yn returned to the room. "As you can see there's eight of us, six boys and two girls" Brody started to say.

"I think we already know that, Brody. We have eyes" Michael said sarcastically making Ashton and Luke chuckle. "Don't be sarcastic just let him finish" I say looking at Michael, he just stared at me before telling Brody "to continue"

"So we have four bedrooms, the girls will keep their own rooms, Brad will move into my room and you four can have Brads room," Brody said, I scoffed. "Excuse me, you can't say they can have my room without asking me first," I say annoyed, crossing my arms. "I just did so get over it," Brody said, I glared at him. "How does that sound?" Brody asked them. "Fine by us" Ashton spoke for them all. "Good, we will show you around so leave your bags and follow me" Brody then said and got up and walked out with the boys following behind him, Livvie going as well.

I looked at yn who was now sat down, "my disliking for them is growing not only are they living here, they're taking over my room and I'm not fucking happy about it" I said to her. Yn sighed then stood up, " I know it's not what you wanted but it is what's happening so at least try to accept it, Brad, because if not there is going to be problems and you're going to be the person who eventually everyone turns against," she said walking over to where I was now stood.

"But can't you see that everything is changing ever since we first got in contact with them," I say to her. She shook her head. "Brad you need to get over the problem you have with them and at least try to like them," Yn said looking at me. "What like you do? You seem to have a special liking to one of them don't you" I say raising my voice a little.

"Oh shut up Brad," she said pushing past me.

"You know it's true!" I yelled loud enough for her to hear. I knew she liked one of them, that person being Calum it was so obvious. I think that was the main reason I was having hatred towards him because she liked him and not me. Yn didn't know I liked her, what's the point of telling her anyway when she basically put me in the friend zone by saying I'm not her type.

Third Person Point Of View:

That night when everyone was finally settled into their new sleeping arrangements, Brad wasn't happy about giving up his room to four strangers to sleep in but he had to deal with it as Brody had spoken.

Everyone was in their designated room apart from yn who was sat in the attic looking out of the window. She couldn't sleep, so here she was looking out the window to see the abandoned town before her eyes, yet again.

She was thinking about things but mainly thinking about her family, about how she would never see them again because of what happened. She was lucky to be alive but yet sometimes she wished she had died with them but she wouldn't tell any of her friends that anyway.

All four of them lost their families, different circumstances though which left them alone but they had each other and that is the only family they had left, each other.

She was remembering what her parents told her, "never trust anyone but your family" her parents told her but here she was trusting four boys she didn't know anything about apart from their names. What if Brad was right? she thought to herself, what if it was a bad idea living with four strangers.

She shook the thoughts out of her head and continued looking out the window, hoping to see something different but what was she hoping for, the scenery wasn't going to change the town was abandoned. That is all she will ever see. She sat there when she heard a groan. She turned and saw Luke trying to pull himself up. Shaking her head a little, she stood up and walked over to him and helped him up. "Thanks" he thanked her as he stood up and looked at her.

"What are you doing up here?" She asked him, eyebrows raised.

"I could ask you the same question," he said back, looking at yn before walking towards the window. "Touchè," she said and walked over to him. They both sat down on the floor, looking out of the window. "Wow," the blonde-haired boy said looking at the scenery before his eyes. "I didn't realise how bad the town looked from up high," he said, glancing at yn who sat next to him.

"Yeah, what makes it worse is sitting up here watching the town you grew up in fade away and turn into this," she said looking at Luke. "It sucks it really does. I mean I know how it feels I grew up here too. It's not home anymore" Luke sighed, yn nodded her head in agreement agreeing with what Luke had said to her."Home feels so far away but yet it's right here." She said, looking back out the window. "You still didn't answer my question, why are you up here? " Luke asked again. "You do realise curiosity killed the cat right," she said amused, looking at Luke's face.

"Right but I'm not a cat so curiosity can't kill me" he joked, yn shook her head. "I come up here to think mainly I guess," she said. "About what?" He asked her. She looked at him, she couldn't tell him about herself or her family life. She couldn't so she stood up and said what anybody else would say when someone's asking questions that you didn't want to answer. "Mind your own business, Luke," she said walking over to the gap in the floor and climbing down.

"Yn?" Luke turned and looked at her. "What?" She asked pushing herself back up to look at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be nosey, I was just curious," he said to her. She nodded her head, cleared her throat. "Yeah well good night Luke," she said climbing down for good this time leaving the nineteen-year-old in the attic alone with his thoughts.

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