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Brad's Point Of View:

I was soon hugged by Yn, I pulled her on top of me so I could hug her back properly wrapping my arms around her. "I missed you Brad so so much," Yn said to me. "I thought I wasn't going to see you again and I thought I would have to say goodbye and I wasn't ready to say goodbye to you, Brad." She added.

"Well lucky for you I'm not ready to say goodbye just yet either. How long was I out for?" I ask, sitting up as yn moved to sit next to me on her bed. "For a couple of days Brad. These last days have been terrible sitting here waiting for you to wake up. So much has happened" she said to me. "What has happened?" I asked interestedly.

"Found out who tried to kill you, the person tried to blame Calum and actually succeeded for a while. I finally realised the truth. Everyone went against Calum, Brad. He left at one point and I had to go back and bring him back. Brody, Livvie still don't like that he stays in here with me now and you too." She said I nodded my head listening.

"Blamed Calum?" I asked. "Yeah Tristan blamed what he did to you on Calum and everyone believed it and some still do" she then said.

Why hadn't she said told anyone the truth? "So has he left the house now then as everyone must know what Tristan did?" I ask, curious to know what had happened to Tristan. She shook her head.

"no, he's still in the house. I couldn't tell anyone else apart from Calum and Luke only knew because I made him promise not to tell anybody when I told him it wasn't Calum as I knew it was Tristan. I asked him to make sure Tristan wasn't alone with you in this room" Yn said looking at the door.

"So they know and the others have no clue about it being Tristan," I say, yn nodded her head. "Well, Brody and Livvie have asked me who it was as I did say it wasn't Calum but I couldn't tell them. I was scared about Tristan trying to finish you off" She said. "Well I'm awake now so he can't finish me off," I say laughing only to get a stern look. "That's not funny Bradley"

Yn's Point Of View:

"That's not funny Bradley," I say after giving him a stern look not finding what he said amusing or funny at all. "Sorry was only trying to brighten the mood," He said looking at me. I asked Brad what happened leading up to him being pushed by Tristan. He told me and I was shocked by what he said. Brad only mentioned to Tristan about working for the unknown source as he went out during daylight which made Brad suspicious and that caused Tristan to pull him harshly by his hood resulting in Brad hitting the floor and cracking his head open.

Why would Tristan pull Brad attempting to harm him if he wasn't working for the unknown source? He had to be, he already scared me but now I'm even more scared as he's living in the same house as us.

"You think he's actually working for the unknown source?" I ask Brad. "Possibly yes, everyone knows not to go out in daylight and he did. It makes sense nothing happened to him. He wasn't scared either" Brad said adding to my thinking Tristan was working for the unknown source.

"Yn, yn,yn" I looked back at him after thinking. "Yeah?" "I just want to know one thing," Brad said to me. I raised my eyebrow at him. "What's that then?" I ask. "How can you tell Luke and Calum about Tristan but not Brody and Livvie? They're our best friends they have a right to know" he says. Sighing, "I know but keeping it away from them was the best thing to do Brad, I didn't want them knowing if it could be the reason you could get hurt besides Tristan has already threatened me about you and Calum"

"well, I'm going to tell them. You might keep secrets but I don't" He said getting off the bed and walking towards the door. I got off the bed and grabbed his hand. "Brad please you can't," I say. He looked at me. "Why can't they?, they have every right to know what me, you, Calum and Luke know," He said.

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