Chapter7/Familiar face

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After going through what my classes are and making my schedule I sit down to watch some television. I grab the remote from the bedside table and press the green button, assuming it would be the power button and my assumptions appear to be correct when the black screen disappears and my eyes look at the sign above of Comedy Central.

An old episode of friends is coming, the one where Ross says Rachel instead of Emily at the altar. This show is honestly the best show in the world.

My door creaks open and I hear footsteps, they become louder each second. A brunette appears before me wearing a black shimmery dress with what looks like four inches of heel. Damn how do you walk in such things?! I want to ask her but I don't.

"Hi who are you?" The brunette questions while searching for something in a bag placed on the bed, opposite to me.

I take a minute to study her, she is very fair and her long hair cascades down her back and I think that maybe she's my roommate. I am more than satisfied as she appears to be a nice person.

"Hey I'm Tess and you?" I ask her and her eyes lift up. She stares at me and after one whole minute she finally responds to my question.

"I'm Sienna. Nice to be acquainted" she says and gives me a side hug. Her cologne fills my nostrils, either her perfume is really strong or she has gone overboard with it. I feel like coughing due to the strong smell but I decide against it, I don't want my roommate to get offended with me, already.

"So watching friends?" She asks me, looking at the screen.

"Uh huh." I reply not taking my eyes off the television. Currently Ross is looking for Emily everywhere and Monica and Chandler are suffering to get a room alone so that they can hook up.

She places her sling on her study table "This show is the best" she speaks my thoughts and sits on my bed, next to me.

"I know right." I say to her. I'm so glad I have a roommate who has similar interests. I mean I don't mind her partying because the way she's dressed up seems like she is just coming from one though I would mind a nerd which she doesn't appear to be because honestly talking I was both a nerd and party freak, weird combo I know but it worked. So I guess Brown is good.

'You've not even been here for twenty four hours' my subconscious reminds me.
Be positive. Brown is good. Everything will be good. I say to myself and focus on friends.

Two back to back episodes of friends just got over and Sienna is still seated beside me.

We talked in between ads, though she spoils almost every part of me saying 'oh yeah now this will happen' which irritated the shit out of me but one thing for sure, she is really sweet and a very straightforward person which I wish I were but I'm the exact opposite. But I know she's nice because I'm good at reading people or atleast I think I am.

"Damn it's ten." Sienna speaks glancing at the clock hanging on one of the walls of the room.

"Yeah." I say, not knowing what else to say. So what if it's ten?

She widens her stance, standing up
"I have to go by the way what are you doing now?" She asks me.

"Umm I'm probably going to sleep"
Not that today was tiring but I could use some sleep and be fresh for my lectures tomorrow.

"What? Sleep ? At ten?" She looks at me with an expression on her face as if I've just committed a crime.

"No you can't sleep. Girl you're in college, get ready we are headed off to a party." She demands and I check the time once again.

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