Chapter30/Ex encounter day

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*Tess' POV*

"What the actual fuck?" I shout at him, placing emphasis on the word 'actual' as the elevator closes and he wraps his fingers around my forearm, never letting go of it. Does he not understand the concept of giving someone personal space?

His eyebrows furrow totally caught off guard by my immediate outburst of profanity and anger but recovering too quickly he says "I should be saying that to you" the smell of cigarette clogs the air as he speaks.

He's been smoking?

I inhale and exhale before speaking, "And why is that?" I retaliated, keeping my irritation at bay yet glowering at him the same time.

His gaze darts towards my lips for a split second, before returning to my eyes. "Why is that? Don't try acting all innocent. I know you" he spits in a vile tone while his fingers press into my arm.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Do you realise it's my dad getting married, I'm already late" I speak in frustration.

"Oh of course you're late, why wouldn't you be, you were happily fucking Dylan" he says and overcoats each word with sarcasm and venom.

Sarcasm really?

"Yeah right." I snap and press the first floor button on the elevator, hoping it would open soon.

To be honest I wasn't as fazed as I acted to be, by his immediate outburst and that's why I had to get out of this thing before it's too late. Because my mind simply stops functioning when I'm around him.

He presses the twentieth floor button and corners me. His hands rest on my shoulders and even though both of us are boiling with anger his smirk never leaves the face proving to me that he knew how his touch affected me. I just can't bring myself to lash out onto him. His eyes always catch me and they look at me in the most delicate way possible. I hear his sharp intake of breath and as he leans a little closer, his look caught me off guard but the way he is looking at me, giving the most seductive look makes me want to rip that tuxedo off of him and give him what he wants.

Geez shut up Tess. What's wrong with you?

"Are you serious? Have you lost your mind?" I suddenly say the very first words that come to my mind breaking the silence and my voice resonates through the small area.

I breath heavenly yet calmly, despite the situation we are in my god damn hormones can't seem to control themselves. This happens every time he is close to me, as I start fantasying about all the things which I know won't happen.

I know Hilary duff made it pretty clear by telling all of us that- sometimes fantasy is better than reality but I disagree, not sometimes, all the time....

"Look who's talking. You're the one who's lost your mind, look what has happened to you, since when do you open your legs so quickly for randos?!" He shouts and his each word hits me harder, slicing through me.

"What is wrong with you! What do you fucking want from me?" I shout as I'm beyond annoyed, how dare he says such stuff to me.

Can he for once, not mind his own damn business?

"What do I want? Ha I wish I could tell you but you very well know what you want. You want me and you think if you going out with someone makes me jealous and I would run after you then that's not the case princess, I don't fucking care" his each word stings and he punches his fist into the wall resultantly his skin is affected that very moment and I shake a little because of the loud sound it made and see his hand bleeding. I hate blood. He knows that it creeps the shit out of me. A red drop makes its way down followed by another and another. My lips twitch and my eyes flutter close for a split moment.

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