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*Tess' POV*

I quickly pick it up and check the name of the caller making sure I read it correctly. And when I read the name I have a horified expression. Realising he is still on the line, I put it on speaker and let out a long breath which I was holding for what seems like forever.

"Is it April fools' day?" I finally speak, with a little humour in my tone since I couldn't conjure up a proper statement and his sudden proposal has made me quite anxious.

He chuckles, whilst a little part of my body fills with relief "Are you crazy? Its not even April. Don't you know or remember?"
Nope, my calendar is supposed to know or remember.

"Look I knew you would freak out. But I just thought that it's been a month already and I don't want to waste anymore time" he says in the most romantic way possible.

At the back of my mind, I feel like there's something I am unaware of, something I need to know which he isn't telling me.

As if there's some kind of ulterior motive behind his unforeseen proposal...

"It's- It's just that I" I fumble with words unsure of what to say whilst biting my nails. If you ask me, I'm not doing this because I am nervous but confused as hell.

"Hey I want no pressure on you." He tells me, making me less tensed than I already am.

I let out a low sigh "Look it's just that I don't know. I don't want history to repeat and I'm afraid it will." I tell him honestly removing my finger from my mouth.

"I know Tess. I know you. Just once try to trust me and I promise you won't regret it" he says in a promising tone.

Even though a part of me is wanting to trust him, the other part, which is quite bigger might I add, tells me I can't take the risk


Not knowing what to say, I open my mouth trusting the words which will come out but stop when he starts speaking "Tess. I'm getting a really important call I'll call you again. Sorry bye" he says and hangs up in a supersonic speed.

My life too seems to be moving in a supersonic speed. Is this a dream?
This has happened once too. Life rewards me in its best manner possible and then takes it away in a blink of an eye. That's what I'm afraid of.

I'm afraid of love.

Love isn't the sweetest thing in the world. It's not cruel. It's just truthful. Truth hurts so does love. It doesn't care and the worst part is it can crush your heart into tiny little pieces but it can also join those pieces back. Because Love makes absolutely no sense yet complete sense at the same time.

I really wish this is a soundproof room because if it isn't I'm sure Isaac's mom will never allow me in the house again since I want to scream all the bad words I've ever known even though I don't know many but the bad words are the best to describe my circumstances right now.

I do know that when I was a kid I had a list in my mind. A list we all have. It might be of what books to read in the upcoming year from what kind of guy you would want to date.

Although I remember my dad telling me that when you will meet the one you will forget about all the list you have and believe that love always doesn't have to be perfect.

A bad boy with a soft heart.

A boy who would let me play with his hair.

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