Christmas special

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Dear Santa,

I'm a shitty writer but since there is no other way to talk to you this letter will have to suffice. I know It's been a very long time since I've written to you- I remember when I was only five, I began writing letters to you asking you that whether I had been put up in the good or bad list, but as I grew up I paid absolutely no heed to this and thought it was rather a waste of time and very redundant. But clearly I was wrong.

As you know this year has been nothing but wonderful for me; Tess will have the second baby pretty soon and Sophia she's just like her mother, yes she has my facial features but she's just as stubborn as Tess and only yesterday I had the talk with her how she wouldn't be forgotten because our entire attention would be given to the new baby as she thought so albeit, she's just as excited as we are for the baby and not to forget she prays to god everyday for a baby brother. But she pinky promised like a good girl to us that she will love the baby even if it's a girl.

Christmas is really special for me since I proposed to Tess on Christmas in this very house and she made me the happiest person by saying yes. And I can't wait to make many more memories everyday with her.

If someone told me I'd be this lucky
and painted me the picture that I'd be with the love of my life, I would just laugh at them for saying impossible things because I still remember the day I saw her for the first time-

I was a new admission and when I
entered my first class of the day which was history Tess was there. Sitting on the last bench and when Ms. Erthings introduced me to the class she looked up from her book and her eyes locked with mine. She was a complete stranger to me but they way her eyes beheld mine said otherwise. Her chocolate brown eyes bored into mine and I was mesmerised by her gaze-there was an overruling force which didn't allow me to take my eyes off of her. That moment something happened and I was reminded of my favourite Ed Sheeran songs lyrics 'I'm falling for your eyes but they don't know me yet'
I made up my mind I had to have her and as I moved and sat beside her, her eyes returned to the novel she hid behind her history textbook which made me chuckle inwardly, she was indeed perfect.

And then I had her. After my best
friend forcing me to confess to her I finally did and turns out she liked me too.

     I always got what I wanted, maybe that's why I started taking things for granted and then before I was too shrewd to understand what was happening, in a blink of an eye I lost the love of my life.

And when she came to brown, at first I was full of hope and eagerly waited to scoop her lissome body in my arms but as time passed I realised wounds took time to heal and they cannot be forgotten since there's a patch even while fading so, I became futile about our relationship but little did I know that my dreams and destiny were the best of friends which are the sole reason of my happiness today.

And the proof of my happiness is that this very moment a smell of something sweet wafts in the air, filling my nostrils indicating that my wife and daughter are baking something, preparing for Christmas which is tomorrow.

Sophia loves to bake and she never ceases to surprise me (just like her mother) by either making a mouth watering cupcake all by herself or baking me and Tess a mini cake for our anniversary.

Oops I almost forgot I have to ask you to give me something right? I won't ask you for anymore hot wheels or PS3's because I know tonnes of kids have asked you that and you must be getting tired since you go from house to house delivering all those gifts (Thats's what Tess told me when I asked her once why she didn't ask for toys and she quote 'I don't want to cause so much trouble to santa')

All I want for this Christmas is Tess to know that no matter what happens in the future I will be beside her, holding her hand and giving all my love and support. I know I've made a lot of mistakes in the past and that they can't be forgotten but I've redeemed myself and Tess sure has made me the man I am today.
I want Sophia and the baby to know that no matter what hurdles will struck your path on this journey called life, they should be brave enough to face them and if they mislead there's always a second chance.

I hope my name has made it to your 'good list' this year and that you're somewhat smiling reading my letter. I promise I won't stop writing to you until the day my hands stop working.

I can see Sophia beckoning me to help her decorate the Christmas tree which is encrusted with shimmery ornaments and fake mistletoes. As she hangs a candy on the tree she exhilarates and the excitement of Christmas is pretty lucid on her face even when she is a very placid girl but I'm sure the reason for her excitement is mostly the great story she heard from me the other night how a Prince proposed to his Princess right next to the Christmas tree and they lived happily ever after.

I still remember when Tess had kissed me under the mistletoe for the first time-I melted faster than any iceberg could and my love had avalanched for her more than it ever could

I always knew winter was my favourite season and Christmas my favourite holiday.

But now, I must go because Tess is propelling me to help her and Sophia place the star on the sublime tree since none of them are that tall to reach the top.

Merry Christmas Santa! Ho Ho Ho (Also Please gift me with a better sense of humour - that's what 'Tess' wants for me)

Yours lovingly,
Ashton Williams.

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