Chapter13/Broken pieces

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*Ashton's POV*

She looks so sexy. Her golden dress is short and not only Dylan but which other guy can resist being not close to someone who has that kind of a figure. She has the best curves and that dress compliments her curves in the best way possible. I have never seen anyone where such an amazing dress but then again it's Tess we're talking about, she owns the best clothes.

I watch her every step as she walks away from me, I glance at her butt but look away. Sure she has a butt to die for but I can't, she isn't mine.

She isn't mine.

The words echo through my head and I feel like someone has stabbed my heart a million times.

Something in me persuades me to run after her and stop her but I know I shouldn't and more importantly I can't.

She isn't mine...

But why is she wearing such a dress? It's not like she's going to high class party, it's just a date.

The more I think about it the more it bugs me. I know what Dylan is capable of and God knows what Tess wants. What is with her anyways ? Is this all her part of the plan to make me jealous? If that's the thing then I must say she's doing a great job at it.

But I can't let this go on for long.
Dylan and Tess don't match and Dylan is a fuckboy although he wasn't when he was in a relationship but now he is and the moment he gets bored he will leave her and that's what I don't want

I can't see her getting hurt again.....

I can't see those full cracked lips and her swollen eyes with dark bags beneath her eyes...not again.

You can't do anything
My subconscious says and as much as I don't want to agree to it, I know that it's correct.

I need a break from all this shit in my life. Sometimes I think my life is like the movies, a series of drama.


I have no clue how much I drank tonight. I am drowning myself in alcohol, numbing the pain for a while though I do remember what J.K Rowling said about numbing the pain for a while will only be worse when you finally feel it but it's somehow working.

"One more round" I said to the bartender. I have had way too many and right now it's all that I need.

"For me too" I hear someone say and I know whose voice is that.

Sienna props herself onto the barstool beside me, tapping me on the shoulder. "What's up?" She asks receiving her shot.

"Nothing" I lie and look away.

"I know you well enough Ashton so you might as well tell me. What brings you here with a sad look on that ridiculously hot face of yours?" I look at her and she examines my face, approving her statement.

"Ridiculous hot face of mine huh?" I smirk.

"From all that you just got the compliment part? Uhhh spill" she says chugging down the shot glass.

"Tess went out with Dylan" I say ordering another shot. I have now lost count of how many I've had so far.

"So how does that bother you?" She asks curiously, making her eyebrows furrow.

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