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*Tess' POV*

The classes felt so lengthy today. I have missed a lot of important classes while I was away. Yes it was difficult to get back to my mundane life after a somewhat good holiday. 'Somewhat' good holiday because Ashton was in the picture. I pinch the bridge of my nose, in a punishing manner realising that not a single day can be spent without me thinking about him.

Blake and Sienna were hoping to organise a party for him, but he denied the offer, I mean Patricia denied saying he agreed with her that they wanted some time alone.
I feel so pathetic, whenever 'they' come to my mind, jealousy hits me and I never feel this way around Dylan, maybe it's that I don't love him or he doesn't make me feel so insecure. True I have no right to feel that way for Ashton, he's no more mine. But you can't control it though every once in a week since I came here, I've repeated 'He's no more mine' like as if it were some mantra and it was more awkward when Briana once heard it, as she barged inside my room without prior notice.

She was shocked but she somehow understands me, although I had to get her hot chocolate fudge to keep her mouth shut.

"Hop in miss" Logan says rolling down the windows of his car, appearing before me.

I give him a benevolent smile "Hey" I say, getting inside and yelled shotgun immediately.

"Lol you don't have to do that. The passenger seat is all yours" he says chuckling as I realise I'm the only on travelling with him, since Briana will reach directly.

He gives me a tight bear hug over the seat and I squeal.
"Oh yeah, hey increase the volume" I say to him, breaking the hug. I could've done it on my own but he doesn't like anyone touching his stuff, especially his car.

After all boys will be boys...

"Seriously which song is this?" He asks, increasing the volume.

"You've gotta be kidding me" I say to him with a fake shocked expression. But on a serious note how does he not know which song this is?

"I'm afraid I've never heard this before" he says with a hint of seriousness in his tone and I dramatically drop my lower jaw.

"Dude it's Colors by Halsey!!" I tell him, waving my hands in here.

"Halsey? Who's that?" He says being completely blank.

"Okay. Dude you need help. She's so amazing and also very hot" I say and he stares at me.

"What's with the look?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him but he doesn't stop glaring at me.

"Are you straight?" He asks me, wagging his eyebrows.

"Dude if a girl calls some other girl hot doesn't mean you're not straight" I say to him and push his face to look straight. Does he not know he's driving? Or that his eyes are supposed to be on the road while driving ?!

"You say dude a lot" he tells me and chuckles.

"Wow. Your observations are incredible. Okay now damn it the song is almost over" I say in a somewhat sarcastic-irritated tone and he pulls my cheeks. I hate it when someone touches my face, especially when they pull my cheek but Logan doesn't get it.

"Logan Duncan if you weren't my friend you would have been dead by now" I say slapping his hand away.

"Awwiee. By the way best friend" he says pulling them again, with his one hand controlling the steering wheel.

I don't know if it's too early to call him, Isaac and Briana best friends but they always correct me when I call them 'just friends' and we have bonded a lot in these months.

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