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*Tess' POV*

"Woah. I need details" Briana says and the others don't speak a word, probably recovering from the aftershocks of the news but why is it so shocking to them?

"Nothing really he just asked me out and I said yes" I don't go into details about him asking me and then me being the idiot I am, saying Ashton's name and start thinking about the day when he confessed to me and then I made this decision that I have to move on so I called Dylan and said yes.
It's not that he's my rebound. I really like him a lot but I just can't get Ashton out of my small friggin head.

"You like him?" Isaac inquires still digesting the heavy information I just spilled.

"Yes I told you remember?" I remind him but his face showing that he doesn't approve of my answer "It was a spur of the moment decision although in my defence I do really like him" I justify, placing emphasis on the word 'really'

"I thought you meant about liking him genuinely not that way" Isaac says taking a sip of his drink.

"Geez don't stress it" Briana makes and annoyed face, shutting him up.

Isaac's expression is still puzzled
"But it's just-" he tries to speak but his girlfriend cuts him again.

"Why do you care so much about their relationship?" She asks him and he shrugs.

"Just like that. I mean isn't all of this a little too sudden?"He asks with a probing face. Isaac's right here-It is a little sudden though.

Isaac don't you know? You should shut up when your girlfriend wants you to shut up!!!! I want to tell him for his own benefit, but yes a little bit of mine too since he can't stop with the interrogation.

"Yep but maybe Dylan liked her for long and just took time anyways you guys owe me forty bucks" she says with an evil glint shining In her eyes.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

Why on earth do they owe her forty bucks?

"Yup I won. I was correct. I knew you guys couldn't resist each other more than one month" She inputs recognising my bewildered look.

Letting out a gasp, "Whattttttt?" I exaggerate the word what.

"Yeah we had a pool going on" Briana says, a devilish smile takes over her lips.

I frantically glance between Briana and the others, my eyes can't rest at one place. "Actually Blake said one week, Briana said one month, I said two months minimum and Logan said six months and Olivia said one year so Briana wins forty bucks, ten ten each." Isaac explains. He pulls out his wallet and gives her ten bucks,others doing the same thing.

I huff in annoyance. I can't believe these guys. Though I wonder why Blake thought one week and why Olivia thought one year?! I can't help but agree to the fact that both of them are such extreme cases.


"Briana I'm a little tired is it so necessary to do shopping?" I ask her as we walk inside the mall. She suggested I needed some clothes and so did she so we both ditched all of them and came here. I thought it was a little rude to do that but Briana couldn't care any less.

"Shut up. Act like a grown up" she says shushing me as if I were her baby. Oh Isaac my dad. As soon as that thought appears in my head I burst out laughing and Briana gives me the have-you-gone-crazy look.

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