Chapter 44/Surreal world(Part-Two)

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*Tess's POV*

I had no idea about what the future held before me, of surprise or marvel and the most foreign feeling was that this time I wasn't afraid or scared

How could I possibly be?

"I love you more than Chuck could ever love Blair"

"You're a thief Tess. Because you steal my heart every time I look at you"

"What you are to me, no one will ever be"

When the owner of all these beautiful words, had poured his heart out to me and I had happily drowned.

My phone buzzed with a message of my best friend.

*I'm having a panic attack. I don't want to outshine you today* she sent and I chuckled.

*You won't. Just wear anything and get your ass to the party* I replied.

The lump in my throat grew, at the mention of the party and if I said I was nervous, well that would be an understatement. Every fibre on my body stood up, and my heart was screaming excitement and nervousness at the same time.

To avert my attention I looked up, at the bluish dark abyss like sky, fading white clouds with a silver outlining to them that engulfed the sky, blended perfectly.

I never found anything more beautiful than the sky- how it could change patterns during morning, evening and night and how the colours were always a perfect blend giving everyone underneath it an auspicious view.

I snap out of my trail of thoughts when the sound of shoes slapping repeatedly against the marble white floor, reach my ears.
Instantly, I pirouetted around and a tall, handsome stance welcomed my eyes.

He stopped at the entrance of the balcony, both of us checking each other out.

He looked so charming.

Few strands of his air were flopped down, and he couldn't look any more sexier in a neat blue suit with black trousers and a shirt underneath. I noticed he wasn't wearing tie and arched my eyebrow at him.

Catching the hint, he extended his right hand with a black tie in it.

"Don't say you don't know how to make a tie" I say taking it from him.

"I do I just want you to do it.." he paused as if he was resisting himself from saying something. "To tie me" he finished and I let out a gasp.

He chuckled at this "Just kidding babe" coming close he wrapped his hands around my body. "Did I tell you how good you look? In that sexy white dress of yours?"

I was wearing a white backless dress with a long slit on the right side.
"Thanks and you too, you've never looked this good" he smiled like a kid on Christmas at my statement, and I pocked one of his dimples.

"Owe Tess, do it again and I'll tickle you for life"

I felt his fingers curling against my waist and I raised my hands in surrender.
"Okay atleast tie-" I stopped him from continuing, placing my hand against his mouth. Not wanting the image in my head again because if that happens-

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