Chapter45/Never been kissed under mistletoe

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A/N: Looking forward to read your comments on this (final) chapter. P.S not a single line/quote is copied or used which is not written by me. Also I Love you guys so much and thanks for reading my book! Enjoy<3

*Tess's POV*

I stride around the hall, searching for Ashton. He told me he was going over to help Rony with something, but I haven't seen him since then. With every passing minute I grow more and more anxious, and even when one of my favourite songs- If I lose myself is playing, I can't stop fretting.

I've always hated big gatherings, with all relatives being present and especially today, I mean I get it's a very big part of my life but I've never liked being the centre of attention. Although I don't know how may times I thanked  Emily and dad for this amazing party.

At first I couldn't recognize my own house, sure I don't live here anymore but the way they both decorated the house is just unbelievable.

"Hey Anna have you seen Ashton?" I ask Ashton's mom when she stops in front of me.

"Oh darling I think he went upstairs. By the way how was your pre-vacation?" She asks with a smile on her face and I can't ignore the dimples gracing her beautiful face.

"Good and Thanks Anna"

"Darling call me mom" The word 'mom' catches me off gaurd, and my face falls.

I know I should be happy for how she accepted me and wants me to call her mom but I miss my mother, I want her to be here and celebrate with me.

"Tess" She pulls my face upwards, "You don't know how proud your mother is right now. I really wish she was here to see the independent and beautiful girl standing in front of me but you know she's always there silently watching you and guiding you" Anna's words hit me hard. "It's my mistake, I should've never said that"

"No infact I should apologize-"

"No honey come on" she cuts me "Call me whatever you wish to and hey don't cry" She gently wipes my tears off my cheek "Go meet him now.  I'm sure he's dying to see you and is probably looking for you and let me go too, I've got errands to run" She tells me and then walks towards the table picking up a muffin and points at it quoting errands while taking a bite. I chuckle and she gestures me too move with a stern look.

"I'm going"

She gives me a flying kiss and I start walking towards the stairs.    

As I trail upstairs I think about how the last three-four years have changed my life in the best way possible.  When I reach the second floor I notice my room's door is slightly ajar- I haven't yet visited my room because every now and then people kept coming and congratulating me but now that I think I'm done meeting almost every person I can go to the place where I grew up since I was the kid who would barely step out of their room.

When I enter the view I behold is rather foreign. Travis is sitting on the bean bag in my room and Ashton is seated opposite to him on my bed.

Their eyes avert their graze from each other, to acknowledge the intruder, being me who probably interrupted a very consequential talk.

"I'll leave you both alone for a while" Travis gets up and quickly makes his way out of the room, shutting the door.

"What were you guys talking about?" curiosity peeks through my words.

He gives an amiable smile "Nothing. He was just teaching me that I might be scared right now but everything will fall into place" I slightly chortle. Travis can never stop being the typical big brother but again I love that he is such a caring person.

Let's Pretend We Never Happenedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें