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A big THANK YOU to all those who have read my book which I thought wasn't even worthy of being called a book let alone getting so many reads.

I still can't forget the day when 26 chapters which I had written got deleted. I wanted to publish my first chapter but I pressed on delete by mistake and since I was new to wattpad I didn't know how to undo it. After going crazy and searching on the internet for  an hour, I got to know that you cannot find your deleted story on wattpad anywhere.

I almost gave up but for the first time I did something which I could call somewhat close to an acheivement, even though I'm a very lazy person, I challenged myself and somehow rewrote the book and published thirty chapters in only two months and after I published my 30th chapter 1K appeared beside my views.

I yelled in excitement and was happy that my twenty six chapters got deleted because the new ones were actually better. Guess everything happens for a reason right?

Now I'm not going to bore you any further but there's this one person @shivanshi_7 because of who I got the confidence to publish this story. I would send her screenshots of every chapter and she would rate it out of 10. And she being the most straightforward bestie I have, I knew she wouldn't lie and whenever she would tell me if the chapter wasn't great or constructively criticise, leading me to actually making changes. So thank you Shivi I love you and oh I Almost forgot Happy Birthday!! Thanks for being there with me through thick and thin. If you hadn't rated my chapters I don't think I would've published the book and thanks for tolerating me when I threw a tantrum of not posting it and cribbing it wasn't good enough and almost accusing you of not being so straightforward. You're an amazing person and an even better friend. Stay the same.

(As you know the book has ended and I've marked it complete but I will be posting two-three chapters on special occasions- like the upcoming chapter will be posted on Valentine's Day. Stay tuned)

In the end I just want to say each and every read, vote and comment adds a smile on my face. This book doesn't belong to me, it belongs to my readers who made me somewhat believe in myself. So thank you for this it's been an amazing journey and I hope you guys think the same. Whenever I had a bad day I would open wattpad in the night and there was always a comment or vote or my reads had increased massively which made me sleep with a smile instead of tears. I don't have enough words or ways to thank you but in the end I'm greatly thankful for your consistent support.

P.S put up your questions on this chapter regarding the book or anything and I'll answer each and every one. Also please spread the word, share my book amongst your friends and family.


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