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*Tess' POV*

Dylan kisses me softly and his hands tug at the hem of my dress slowly lifting it up without breaking the kiss.

"You're so hot even my zipper is falling for you" I feel his hot breath trickle down my face as he speaks one of the best pick up lines I've ever heard.

He slips his tongue inside me again and greedily I part my lips. I have to admit he his a good kisser. I don't break the kiss and when my dress is half way up the door squeaks opens.

I quickly move away from him, only to see who intruded us.

I don't know why but I'm actually happy to see the person.

It's Ashton.

He notices my movements when I try to correct my dress which is lifted up and I'm unable to bring it down because it's stuck somewhere. Dylan's warm hands come on top of mine and he helps me with it. I thank him and Ashton stares at us.

"What the hell man" Dylan says afterwards, sending him a death glare. If looks could kill Ashton would be on the floor right now.

"Sorry had to use the washroom" he says confused. His eyes dance around and I can tell
that he is lying. One thing Ashton Williams isn't great at is this. He can't lie that well.

He lied to you about his feelings towards you...

"Yeah and you got only this one?!" He asks. Dylan is beyond irritated now. I keep quiet, frantically glance between Dylan and Ashton and Ashton starts walking in the direction of door which appears to me that it might be a washroom.

"Oh sorry am I hurting or offending you?" I can see the anger building up in Ashton as soon as the sentence leaves Dylan's mouth.

Ashton strides past me not to forget after shooting a fiery glare at Dylan. My eyes are glued to Ashton the entire time, sure he's wearing normal jeans and shirt like every other guy is here and I know it's absurdly wrong to check him out like that but I can't help and start thinking about all the stuff he might be doing to me right now if I were dating him.

His hands wrap around the door knob and twist a little, allowing the door to open and a face mirror with a sink is all I can see as the door isn't completely open.

My thoughts are interrupted and Dylan slightly grips at my waist "Sorry" He apologises for no reason and walks out of the room slamming the door hard.

What is with people walking out of the room leaving me alone?!

As soon as I start to walk a voice startles me. I hear footsteps pacing around the room and Ashton appears before me "Tess" he says forcing me to look at him regardless of what I want. His hands reach out to grab my arm but I jerk his hand away.

"What?" I ask. I move away from him but he only moves closer.

My breath hitches in my throat and my entire body shivers. I am such an idiot to still react all nervous around him.

"What is with you?" I snapped venomously, loathed by his not needed anger.

That's the damn problem. He can never stay away, just when I think I'm over him and I'm finally moving on something happens and there I am all over again feeling things as if I were some kid going crazy because they had finally experienced what it's like to have a crush, correction first crush.

"What is with me? You are here with him and you ask me what is with me?" He yells harder and with each word he gets closer and closer.

Please Ashton maintain distance, you don't know how much you affect me.

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