Chapter15/Swing my hips and giggle

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*Tess' POV*

"Hey good morning Tess" Isaac chirps whilst I take a seat next to him in my math class.

"Mornin" I say giving Isaac an amiable smile.

I start opening my textbook to the chapter which we're currently studying but the sound of footsteps  distracts me, forcing me to look up "What is he doing here?" I speak, my eyes catch Ashton entering the class, taking a seat next to some girl with blue hair.

"He's In this class and where else would he be? The next Aryabhatta" Isaac says catching me off guard.

"You know him well" I say and lift my eyes, surprised. Ashton has always been good at math and he understands it too also enjoys it so he knew he would do something related to math only.

"Unfortunately we're in the same group." He tells me and that's when I attack him with my questions about who all are a part of the group and a lot more.

He tells me there's him, Briana; reminding me that she's the girl I met the other day at lunch who he likes. Sienna and Blake who are Ashton's best friend and Patricia his girlfriend, he means those are the only people Ashton trusts completely. Then it's Dylan. I ask him about who was Dylan's ex but he says he doesn't know which is kinda weird, I mean if you're in the same group wouldn't you know who your friend is dating?!Although he told me not everyone is good friends with each other in their group.. It's like you are in a group but you have special friends within it which is kinda weird.
And last but not the least there's this guy named Logan. I know all of them instead of Logan and Blake.  Isaac promises me to introduce them at the party today. I asked him to describe his group and the first word which left his mouth was 'small' and that's when I began to explain him what small actually means. No way this is small group of friends, In fact it's gigantic!

I can't help but ask him about how is Patricia? And he tells me she is a total bitch which makes me happy. He said she's the kind of girl who you wouldn't wanna mess with and she's the biggest control freak he's ever met, he also added that she will wreak havoc onto whosoever steals her boyfriend away from her.

What is Ashton, some sort of her property?


I decided to take a shower before heading to the party. I wear a bathrobe and walk out whilst quickly rush to my room, thanking my stars that no one saw me.

I walk in to see Ashton playing a game on his phone screen. Of course when you wish he shouldn't be there that's when he's always there.

He looks at me, his eyes travelling my body and he takes enough time to realise that I'm only wearing a bathrobe. He clears his throat whilst looks away and finds his voice to say something.

I can sense the awkwardness coating the air which makes me cringe.

"Travis called" he finally speaks, shattering the silence and my mouth is hanging open.

"Whyyy did you answer it?" I exaggerate on the word 'why'

"What else was I supposed to do?" He questions me, making hand gestures in the air.

"Not answer it" I screech making quotes in air with my fingers on the word 'answer'

This is bad. Travis will kill me.
"So what did you tell him?" I question him.

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