Chapter44/Surreal world(Part-One)

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*Tess's POV*

The window which was halfway open, hit the wall with a loud voice as the morning breeze flew through it, acting as my alarm, waking me up.

Yawning, I sat up straight on my bed realising the only piece of clothing on my body was my bra.

A small curve settled on my face, as I reminisced about his hands touching me.

The way his calloused fingers had traced my body and his green eyes stared hungrily into mine-
My alarm buzzed loudly, snapping me out of my perverted memories.

Getting out of the bed and walking towards the washroom I wondered were Ashton had wandered off to, this early.

I quickly brushed my hair and teeth and wore my underwear and Ashton's shirt which was hanging on the hook, behind the door.

My stomach groaned audibly and I strode downstairs to get breakfast.
When I reached the living room, I spotted Ashton sitting on the couch with his guitar.

He stopped strumming his guitar, as soon as he felt my presence and his eyes leisurely raked my body "Morning love"

My heart skipped a heartbeat, when he called me love.

"So I guess he fact on instagram which I read- about girlfriends love wearing their boyfriends shirt wasn't wrong" he said making me blush, shyly.

"Morning" I chirped and looked at him completely, only to realise he wasn't wearing a shirt.
His tattooed body was swoon worthy and I could be here all day just tracing the butterfly on his stomach, slightly licking and biting it-

Geez. What is wrong with me?
Since when did I turn into such a creep?

"Baby?" Ashton calls.


"In which world are you lost?"

"Sorr-" I stop when he walks towards me and soon obliterates all the space between us.

He planted a chaste kiss on my temple and snakes his arm around my waist.

Oh if only he knew, even after all these years he affects me too much.

He pointed his eyelashes down, his gaze lingering on my lips and then he locked his lips against mine, pushing his tongue inside me and something about this kiss sent shivers all over my body.

It wasn't the normal or too sensual types, it was slow and possessive, claiming my lips to forever belong to his and much to my surprise I'd forever let him claim me.

"Tess" he breathed out, his green eyes looked deeply at my soul "Tell me you're mine and you won't ever leave me"

I didn't know why he was saying all this out of the blue but to lighten the mood I answered him almost immediately "I'm yours and I won't ever leave you"

He gave me a satisfactory smile but he still seemed a little off.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing, today we're leaving this place and we've still got a million miles ahead of us" We were in a secluded part of London, and we had a flight to catch in about two hours to NYC.
"I don't want to spend a single day without you." He cupped my cheek "I wan't to wake up to your face for the rest of my life and after a few years to our beautiful kids"

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