Valentine's day special

425 16 3

Ashton's POV

Like they say, life is an accumulation of moments; that moment when you befriend someone for the first time, that moment when you get a pat on your back indicating that you've achieved something or made someone proud, that moment when your first crush smiles back at you, that moment when you solve the math problem correctly all by yourself, that moment when you enter middle school,

And label yourself as a teenager. That moment when you undergo peer pressure, that moment when your grades become a rollercoaster, that moment when you fall while playing some sport but then get selected in the school team.

That moment when you enter Highschool and suddenly you're all grown up. That moment when you interlock your fingers with someone special, that moment when you learn to drive and then drink and drive, that moment when you express your love to someone for the first time, that moment when you start thinking about your career, that moment when you're looking for the perfect outfit for prom, that moment when you study day and night for the finals, that moment when you graduate.

That moment when you get into college and the first thing you must memorise well is your dorm no. That moment when you attend frat parties, that moment when your roommate becomes your best friend, that moment when you appear for job interviews, that moment when you get the job then when you get the promotion, that moment when you buy a car for yourself, that moment when you go down on your knees and your ears impatient to hear the word yes, that moment when you say 'I do' that moment when you move into a house together

And all these moments which I can recall, shape lives. But no moment can be as great as this one and although this isn't the first time but even the second time, I'm feeling all sorts of mixed emotions- excitement, nervousness, exhilaration, impatience, scared and what not.

"Daddy what is happening?" Sophia asks me. She looks around with bewilderment, her little brain not being able to comprehend even the slightest of picture.

I kneel towards her, "We have a surprise for you"

"What's the surprise?" A smile starts to grow on her bemused face.

"It won't be a surprise if I tell you" I say and her smile in less than two seconds morphs into a big frown.

That escalated quickly...

"But I don't like surprises" she's like the miniature form of Tess, only double of what Tess must've been when she was a toddler. I sure do have troubling years ahead but I can't wait to discover them.

"What?" Tess asks. Even when she has zilch make up on she manages to look so beautiful and I wish I could.. 

"Ashtonnn what troubling years?" She asks impatiently.

Did I say the last line out loud?

"Nothing babe. How's it going?"

"Oh I'm on cloud nine you know. Flying high happily, with my belly bigger than earth" I want to laugh but I know she's not being sarcastic funny infact she's sarcastic angry, well I don't blame her because I didn't answer her question and nine months is a lot.

I start prodding her cheek but when I realise she hates that I instantly stop and try to lighten her mood or atleast make her laugh by saying "If I could change my form I'd become a sea horse so then you wouldn't have to endure all this pain" and all I receive a blank expression.

Ok bad joke...

"Can someone please tell meeeeeeeeee what are we doing here?" Sophia's little ears change their colour and legit become crimson.

"Honey go and meet your grandmother, she's waiting for you and I'm sure she'll answer all your questions" Tess tells her and she rushes outside the hospital door.

I start plodding around the room and only a few minutes later the nurse and doctor come in.

"Why the hell did it take so long?" I brazenly asked.

"We have other patients to attend too" the nurse rudely replied and I wanted to say something to her but Tess' death glare stopped me.

"Anyways so are we ready?" The Doctor asked whilst I sat beside Tess and intertwined our fingers.

"Yes please get it out" Tess has become a very curmudgeon person lately, but with an irritating husband like me, a toddler and a huge baby she carried for nine months, I don't think I can blame her.

"Not it, he or she ma'am" the nurse corrects Tess.

"Yeah yeah whatever"

We didn't want to know the sex of our child beforehand, even during Sophia's time we didn't bother knowing.

"Ok now give me the anesthesia Georgia" the doctor tells the nurse whose name happens to be Georgia.

During Sophia we had her in the same hospital but only the doctor and nurse was different. I hope this doctor is well educated and knows how to induce labor.

I hear the nurse cajoling my wife "Push.." I think I got lost in my thoughts and didn't realise what actually was going on.

I held her hand tenaciously and tightly "Push babe" I told her and she groaned in pain.

Tess is a very resilient person infact during Sophia, when the doctors said she wasn't strong enough to deliver the baby because of lack of strength and didn't posses the correct amount of nutritions needed to deliver a baby, she believed she could and even when I was scared and didn't believe in her when I should've, she proved everyone wrong and did the job perfectly.

A cranky, crying voice is echoed around the room and I the doctor holds our baby in his hands. The tears cascade down the baby's face, while I look at Tess and a beautiful smile appears on her face.

I steal a kiss, locking our lips together until the doctor instructs me to cut the umbilical cord.

After a few minutes later of cutting the cord, the nurse hands Tess our baby, whose wrapped in a towel.

The feels and everything of this very moment is ineffable- but nothing can be as great as this, experiencing love at first sight towards someone who you will read stories and lullabies to, someone whose first words and steps will convert a bad day into a good one, someone who will say their first bye to you when you drop them to school for the first time and the only 'bye' you would've ever liked.

Someone who will grow up so quickly, almost in a blink of an eye and one day instead of you holding their hand while dropping them off to school they'll hold yours instead, leading the way.

"I love you" Tess says to me, tears streaming down her cheek.

I wipe her tears, pecking her forehead and Tess gives me our baby. And when I look at chocolate brown eyes of the bundle of joy planted in my arms, I know for a fact that I haven't ever felt so euphoric.

"She's beautiful..."

A/N: Sorry for the delay and tbh this chapter didn't turn out to be the way I wanted to I'll edit asap.

Q- any common special moments in life which I missed out?

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