Chapter33/I miss you

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(A/N: There will be mild sexual content in the upcoming chapters so, if you don't like to read it or if you think you aren't age appropriate, stop reading but remember that I warned you)

*Tess' POV*

Shrugging my clothes off I let the cold water meet my flushed skin. I place the shower head between my thighs, letting the water flow as I slide a middle finger inside me. I rock my hips backward and forward as a low moan fills the air. I don't really do this often but today I somehow felt the urge to do it, to distract my mind.

Removing my finger I slowly began to circle my clit as goosebumps appear on my skin and pleasure ripples through my body. I add another finger as I continue striking my clit, teasing myself and rested my head against the wall

After a few minutes of pleasing myself, I quickly take a shower and then wrap a towel around me and walk towards my dorm.

I wear my clothes quickly because you never know when Ashton might barge in without prior notice although if he had some etiquettes  he would know that he should knock before coming in because there's a girl inside and she can be naked which half of the girls are all the time when left alone in the room.

It's been exactly three months since I stepped in this college and it has been full of awkward encounters and surprises.

I get multiple texts from Logan, Isaac, Briana, Sienna, Blake and even Patricia wishing me happy two month anniversary. I type a quick thank you and send it to all of them.

I don't know why but two months is very big thing for these guys, I mean sixty days of togetherness is that too much? But Dylan has been the best boyfriend you can ever have, he understands me so well and makes me feel as if I knew him my entire lifetime which is very surprising because I thought Dylan wasn't that type of a guy but then again my judgements about people often prove to be wrong.

I am certainly not in love but I like him a lot and it's a little weird because when Ashton and I dated it didn't take me long enough to realise my love for him and here I am who has been dating a guy since two months and still doesn't love him. Sometimes, I feel that either my heart is lying to me or that it just doesn't know how to feel that way again.

Whatever it is, it sure is very disturbing.

As I slip into my underwear, I rummage through my closet searching for the perfect outfit.

I'm so pissed at Dylan for not telling me where we are going.
I get it, that it's our two months anniversary and he wants it to be a surprise but what if I wear something inappropriate?

Keeping my irritation at bay and breathing calmly I put on a black off shoulder top with white shorts.

I grab my phone from my bed and quickly type a message.
*If you don't tell me where we are going then I will wear anything and by anything I literally mean anything :)*

I send a text to Dylan and his reply is instant.

*no prob until you aren't topless, though I would love to see you that way but then I would have to beat up the people staring at you*
He replies being cocky as always.

*Oh in your dreams* I press the send button and wait for his reply.

*After all dreams come true ;)" I receive his text and switch off my phone, shoving it inside my pocket.

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