Chapter31/Cannot look away

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*Tess' POV*

"Cason?" I ask in bewilderment.

After what happened in the lift with Ashton all my excitement and enthusiasm ebbed away and it was converted into pain, a pain that is slowly burning my every part.

"Surprised?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me and shifts so I can take a seat beside him.

I plop onto the bench, next to him and Briana, Logan, Isaac, Dylan and Sienna all stare at me from few seats away.
Dylan whispers 'who's he?'and I tell him saying 'a friend'. I don't know why I didn't tell him he was my ex but friend was the word that came out first.

"Wow college has changed you" he states examining me.

"Whatever that means" I said morosely.

Of course Cason's here, why would he not be here? Basically, our dads are high school friends, when he first came to my house my dad didn't know who's son he was but I remember dad telling him that he reminded him of someone. Yes, Cason is an exact copy of his dad and when my dad learnt that he and his dad were high school buddies it didn't take them longer to reunite. They started going out for dinners and camping trips, it was fun I mean I was dating him so I met him a lot but sure it was more awkward afterwards I dumped him so I decided to bail myself out of the little gatherings they had. Dad was surely not happy with my decision of breaking up with such a good boy and going for Ashton but I think my happy place was just not with Cason and even when Cason did nothing wrong and Ashton left me there, letting me burn all alone I think I still have feelings for him. But I just hate it, I hate him, I hate what he did, what he's doing, I hate it so much because I know I'm nowhere close to hating him, and that's why I hate him even more.

Soft music starts playing, interrupting my bizarre thoughts and the flower girls enter holding lilies in their hands. Two twins about the age of five or six enter giggling at one another and there tiny fingers wrapped around the bouquet and I can't help but notice that their wearing tiny little flower wrist corsages. Their beautiful turquoise knee length dresses making them look even more cuter.

I loved this part of the wedding when I was a kid I did go to few weddings and I remember Victoria and I promising one another to be each other's maid of honour.

The maid of honour enters and behind her walks my dad's bride with her dad. The bride is wearing a white peplum gown with a basque waist which has strapless, slight curve neck to it.

Her hair is tied in a neat loose bun and she looks gorgeous, pretty and what not. She makes the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. This is the first time I'm seeing her, sure she's a part of my life now if the relationship doesn't go down the drain not if, it won't.
Positive vibes.

Be positive. Your blood group also says so Tess. I remind myself even though I'm the most negative person alive on this planet.

Her floor length gown sweeps the floor as she walks and she doesn't take her eyes off my dad. I look at dad and their is a glint of sparkle in his eyes and he looks so happy... After so many years.


"Babe you look sexy" Dylan says whispering in my ear and then biting my earlobe. His arm draped around my waist firmly and his fingers seem to be restless since they can't stop from slightly brushing against the fabric of my dress.

"Umm" I whisper back and an involuntary moan escapes my mouth because the sundae I'm having is delicious.

It's a banana split sundae and I myself am not a fan of banana but this is literally heaven. Well, who am I kidding, all ice creams are heaven.

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