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A/N: P.S again looking forward to read your comments and if you press the star at the bottom you just won't make me happy but also the lifeless, colourless star giving it colour and life lol. And please please please don't forget to read the A/N at the end of the chapter! Lots of love ! Enjoy reading<3


*Ashton's POV*

   "You're leaving gaps" she complains. Even after all these years she hasn't changed a bit. Still the same little whining and annoying girl I fell in love with, except she isn't little anymore.

   "Sorry m'lady" I say and she blushes like a teenager. she loves me calling her names.

   I strike the brush against the wall coating the yellow colour on it. I dip my brush into the bucket and start with the corners first because Tess makes a hissing sound when I start from the middle.

   I take a long breath, "Ahh how amazing the smell of the paint is" I comment, looking around the room whose two walls we've completed and two are left.

   Tess insisted we should paint this room together. At first I wasn't willing to but after all how can I not listen to her when she has me wrapped around her finger?

   "What are you, a drug addict?" Tess chuckles and I throw a lame glance at her. Through my peripheral vision I notice that she moves towards the ladder to grab the paint bucket kept on it. I shift towards her and hand her the bucket and she smiles at me.

  She collects paint on her brush and starts stroking it against the book shelf. The sunlight from the window falls on her, making her brown strands of hair appear honey in colour and her skin glows indescribably.

   The sight I beheld bedazzled me. She looked so beautiful and never had I thought that I could invest in something so aesthetic.

   "Are you going to just stand here and stare all day long?" She catches me staring at her and a small blush creeps on her face.

   "More like my entire life" After my statement her cheeks are fully red and an idea hits my head. I dip my forefinger inside the red paint and catch her off guard by rubbing some of the paint on her cheek.


"Ya now It's more prominent" I comment looking at her cheeks which are now covered with red paint. She groans annoyingly and then splashes yellow paint on me.

   "This was my favourite shirt" I say looking at my white shirt with hand gestures made on it, but thanks to Tess now it has paint on it.

   "Stop fretting like a baby and help me complete this" She says but the word baby makes me look at her belly, her round belly has really grown. And I can totally relate to something which I read on instagram 'It's like a pebble is producing a rock.' It's crazy how she's so pregnant and her stomach looks gigantic.

   I shift closer to her and place my hand on her belly. I can feel the baby kicking from inside and this isn't the first time I've felt it but everytime feels like the first time.

   In no time we'll have a toddler running around and just the thought of this makes me euphoric. "I love you baby" I say.

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