Chapter28/Falling hard

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*Tess' POV*

I have some time before I go with Scarlett for the day. I rummage through my suitcase for what I should wear for the day and my eyes spot a black and white striped bikini. After contemplating whether I should or should not go for a swim, I finally put on my bikini and quickly run towards the pool area.

It's completely empty and I like it. I take a head shower and jump inside the water. The cold water feels fresh and I float, relaxing my muscles. I've never really learnt swimming professionally, ever since I was five I was thrown in my pool in the backyard and learnt it on my own. Yep we had a pool and it was really fun. I remember that half of the time I used to have pool parties because my birthday comes in summers.

The dinner yesterday wasn't as awkward as I feared it would be. Of course Ashton didn't say even a single word to me during the dinner and a lot of correction thousands of menacing looks were exchanged between Ashton and Dylan every now and then but everything else was just fine. Each day with Dylan just feels like I know him better. I like him, a lot and I'm happy that I've finally moved on.

Yeah keep telling the lie to yourself just for temporary satisfaction, the voice in my head speaks shamelessly as always.

"I'd like to have an orange juice" a voice dazzles me and I look at the seating area which is so close to the pool.

Ashton smiles sheepishly and the waiter then looks at me.

"Anything for you?" Ashton asks running his long fingers between his hair. His messy hairstyle makes him look bazillion times more attractive than he already is.

"Nope thank you" I say and stare at his bare chest. I look at his four nipples and then look at him realising that he knows I was checking him out.

I distract myself and start swimming but he surely can't mind his business "That's wrong" he says and I look at him.

"Huh?" I ask whilst he stands up.

"You're hands are supposed to be straight while doing freestyle" he says sipping his juice.

I ignore him and start swimming again. Jerk. He acts like as if he's a master at everything.

After a little while someone grabs my legs pulling me in a backward direction, which makes me stop.

"What?" I ask, completely irritated by what he just did.

"You're doing it wrong" he says running his hand yet again through his wet hair.

"So?" I say and a strand of wet hair comes over my eye. Before I can do it, he tucks it behind my ear and then his hand gently slides down  my moist arm.

"Do you want me to teach you?" He asks and I nod slightly. My legs start shivering due to his touch.

He licks his lower lip slowly and seductively, eyeing me shamelessly.

He stands close to me staring into my eyes, my lips are so close to his that if I raise my head a little they would collide.

His arms then slide down to the curve of my waist, drawing me closer in his embrace. And before I can even comprehend what I'm doing, I wet my lips and then raise my head slowly, jutting out my chin as determination flooded me, my lips are mere centimetres away from him and I start eliminating the only space that is left

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