that a/n from hell

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hey guys, y'know that a/n thing we did a while back where you could vote for a, b, c or d?
well I'm going to do b) because I can't do c cause I don't have a crush and I can't do all of them (Pretz hahaha)

but yeah so here are 20 facts about me!

1) I am still in school. I've survived so far, guys!

2) I have brown hair and want to dye it all sorts of colours.

3) I'm going to get it dyed after exams this year.

4) I believe in miracles, but I'm not religious and don't believe in God.

5) I love English and literature and books but don't have a favourite author and haven't really read enough books to have one. For some reason I can't seem to get through any books at the moment. Haven't found one I love recently. (Any recommendations of good books, guys?)

6) I'm thinking of becoming a Psychologist, counsellor, or therapist after university.

7) other aspirations of mine are to be a teacher, author, or scriptwriter.

8) I am constantly comparing myself to others and that's why I feel like I will probably not be able to fulfil any of these dreams.

9) I can't get through less than ten questions without getting dark and miserable. Sorry haha, that's just me.

10) I have younger sisters and love them so much - but I don't think they know it.

11) I once almost drowned one of my sisters accidentally. I don't remember it very well, but my mum's filled me in. All I remember is throwing my very young sister in a pool then running back into a building and crying. My mum told me that I really liked swimming and I really wanted to share the fun with my little baby sister (who by no means was a good swimmer at the time) so I threw her in the pool.
Best sister of the year award goes to me.

12) I actually hate swimming so I have no idea why I liked it back then.

13) the reason I hate swimming is because my mum got me swimming lessons with this like hippie guy who thought the best way to teach kids to swim was to just throw them into a pool and let them go with the flow and learn naturally.

Needless to say my mum threw me into a pool then jumped in after me with all her nice clothes on when she realised nature was going to be teaching me how to not breathe, I spread of how to swim.

14) I love Pizza Express. And Wagamamas.

15) my friends are more important to me than a lot of things - including food

16) music is my life

17) I play guitar and piano and write my own songs.

I never said I was good

18) my favourite bands are 5sos, tøp, mcr, mayday parade, sleeping with sirens

but then there's the other side of my music taste which is like
maroon 5, Melanie Martinez, Ed Sheeran, Paloma Faith, and other stuff that I can't remember right now

19) I once listened to a mash up of This is Gospel and Car Radio and it blew my mind and changed me forever (i've attached it to this a/n so you can watch it on the side if you want)

20) people tell me I'm smart

And there you have it. Me in 20 facts.
I'll try and get another update up for you soon. Hopefully it won't be too long a wait like the wait for chapter 45. I'll talk to you guys soon! xx

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