11 - i fell in love with Luke

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As his lips moved against mine, I freaked out and pulled away, but he gripped my shoulders and pushed me against the wall, his hands moving to lean against the wall, blocking my exits.

His eyes burned into mine, and I felt trapped, like a mouse in the talons of an owl.

His head leant down to my neck and he started pasting tiny kisses up my neck to my ear. "What is it about you?" He whispered in a deep voice, his breath tickling down my neck and I bit my lip to stop myself from giggling.

"Ashton, I don't like this, I need to go home." I said, putting my hands on his chest to push him away.

He pulled his head away from my neck and stared at me in surprise. He saw my serious expression and he stepped back with a nod, letting me go.

I hesitantly stepped away from him, my eyes watching him the whole time to see what he would do next.

"Tavie, wait a second." He muttered, his eyes trained on his shoes.


"Why? Why don't you like me back?" He asked me, his eyes travelling up from his shoes to meet my gaze.

I sighed and shrugged. "I know what you do to girls and I know that even if you say you will change, I know you won't really. You need to stop trying to lie your way into bed with me, Ashton. I don't even know why you want it, to be honest." I replied with the brutal truth.

He looked genuinely hurt, and I quickly turned away before I gave in.

Walking out of the kitchen, I tried to sneak out before anyone else noticed me, but that was inevitable, I was the most dressed girl there, after all.

"Stop right there, Octavia!" I heard Calum's voice boom from the speakers.

I stiffened and then turned towards the stage to see that he was pointing at me, and all the audience's eyes were trained on me. I spotted Ashton quietly slip out of the kitchen as all the attention was on me so that no one saw him, and he retook his seat by the drum kit.

"What, Cal? I need to go." I said.

"It is karaoke time! And you have to go first." He smirked at me and I immediately shook my head.

"Hell no, you know I can't sing." I said stubbornly.

But then the four of them started chanting my name, and all the audience also started chanting, making me go up to the stage.

"Fine. You guys have to play though, and sing with me." I said, giving them all stern looks.

Three of them grinned and nodded, one just nodded. You can easily guess which one that was. I smiled sadly at him and then turned back to the four of them in general.

"Okay, you guys just play random heavy rock chords and Ashton hit those drums harder than you've ever hit them before, but don't break them, and Cal just do your thang." I giggled and then turned back to face the audience.

Okay... breathe... you need no singing talent in order to rock this, it is a random song you will make up on the spot, you will be fine.

I glanced at Michael and then grinned as I remembered the pizza place we all went to yesterday and how excited he had been.

Okay, got it. "1, 2, 3, 4!!" I shouted, and the boys completely rocked out and I came in with the crazy ass lyrics and they couldn't help but laugh at the stupidness.

"MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE, MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE, MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE, PIZZA PIZZA!" I belted out the words and Michael almost had to stop playing he was laughing so hard. I was so glad I could make him laugh after what he had told me about Cara.

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