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"He is a total prick!" I crossed my arms over my chest plopping down onto Lottie's bed.

Laughting hysterically at my rants, lottie's laughter died down. "He is just trying to protect him." Lottie mummbled. "But, if I had a guy like that all over me, i'd bang him right away!" 

"Lottie!" I cried, piccking up a small pillow beside me tossing it her way, she deflected it with her hand. 

"What? I am telling you the truth!"

"It doesn't matter..not after what happened tonight. I don't need that, I don't need his friends telling him things about me that is not true. I don't need Harry" Pain flaring up into my chest and heart. I don't know why it stung when I spoke those words but it hurt. Harry hasn't done anything to gain my trust. I just didn't know, maybe it was the way he held me, and saved me back there..Something had changed earlier.

"Well fuck him, and that ass!" Lottie tried cheering me up. Reaching over onto her dresser she grabbed her bottle, of soda and peeled off the lid. I took a deep breath blinking away the tears that flooded behind my eyes. By Lottie's wild behavior, I couldn't hide back the small smile she'd created on my lips. 

"So did you guys..you know" Lottie right eye dipped down into a playful wink. She bit down on her bottom lip, eyelashes fluttering suggestively at me. 

"No..no,we didn't. We never got far enough." I felt my cheeks burn as I looked at anything else but her.  "Because I've never-" I couldn't force myself enough to say it. 

"Bloody hell! You've never had a good time with a guy before?" I could hear her holding back her laughter's, behind her voice. But why was she sparing my feelings? I knew that she was gonna let the laughter's go anytime now. Lottie always embarrassed me.

"No..stop" I demanded. I hated talking about this with Lottie. I've always wanted to save the perfect time for somebody perfect. It just never came to that before, and I wasn't rushing it.

"Well that fucking sucks, doesn't it you little virgin" Lottie suggested. Shame crept into my cheeks as I stared down at the patterned duvet beneath me.

"Well we need to change that, quick..how have you ever had proper fun Max?" 

"What? No! I can't..I just want to wait" I forced. I knew my cheeks were lighting up.

"Wait for who? Look at Harry! I've heard things about him..He is popular here in London, for a lot of reasons..I've heard stories." She didn't wait a second for me to protest. "I've heard about those long fingers," She gestured her fingers in my face as she continued. "And, that tongue" She slipped her tongue out teasing me.

I batted her finger away. There was no way I could talk about this with her. 

"So, Harry is the one who's been leaving those love bites all over you huh?" She giggled. I just left my eyes blankly staring at the duvet. The patterns becoming quite entertaining.

"What about that one? Right on your chest..you sure you guys haven't went all the way?"

I gulped, and looked down at the exposed area my tank top left. Right on my chest was a love bite..Harry had never kissed me right there. It wasn't from Harry..rather from one of those assholes from earlier in the woods.

"Oh.." I mumbled,, pulling my tank top up to cover it I bit my lower lip and diverted my attention to Lottie who was amused by my innocents.

"Well how far have you gone?" Lottie asked. I eyed her nervously. I ducked my head, my reluctance all the confirmation she needed, had me more nervous than before.

"You are kidding me right?!" Dissapointment dwelled into her pupils. What the hell do you do for fun!? Stay home, and watch tv all day?" She teased, in a childish manner. "We need to get your ass out into the real world"

"No, no, no" I whined shaking my head as I protested. "I am not leaving this house..it is not going to happen"

"Fine!" She shouted, crossing her arms angrily over her chest, as her head hung low.

"Thank you" I sighed reluctantly I moved myself from her bed, walking towards her door. "Good night, Lottie" I grummbled.

"Nighty night, my virgin friend" She giggled. Rolling my eyes I shut her door behind me finding my door in the darkness.

Struggling to pull myself out of the last legs of my dream. With my head still dug deeply into my pillow my hand blindly searched for my iPhone, my hand wrapped around the device as I brung it to my face. The bright light blinding me, I squinted my eyes reading the time. 4:26. I smiled, shutting my eyes again for more time that sleep promised.

Snuggling deeper into my matress, I fisted the thing sheets beneath me, Warmth bedded beneath my body, as a small smile appeared onto my face. I calculated time, I'd only been asleep for 6 hours, and didn't have to be at work until ten. 

 I heard a few giggles coming from, Lottie's bedroom and I assumed she had friends over. She usually did this on friday nights, and she never was considerate about my sleep. We were the total opposites of people. I was shy and quiet, but she was wild and outgoing. She always seemed to have friends over, but I never joined in on their fun.

I grounded my head underneath of my pillow trying to come to some peace and quiet. I sighed, as I felt myself doze off into a deep slumber.

A frustrated groan, slipped away from my mouth as I blinked my eyes, trying to adjust to the bright lighting peaking through my thing sheer curtains. I flinched as a warm soft hand cupped the side of my face. I could feel warm breath trickling over my neck. Easing to roll over on my side to see who was lying beside me, my eyes were met with a pair of sparkling jade ones. 

"Hello, beautiful" He cooed, his voice was thick with sleepiness. I jolted, and my body was begging for me to jump up and scream but I stayed, to lazy to get up. I squirmed in his embrace, a sigh of relief washed over my as I realized this time I was fully clothed. I guess it was time to throw away my night gown, if harry was going to sneak in every night. 

"You okay?" Harry's trickling eyes searched mine, and I didn't understand why, he thought it was okay to sneak into my bed every night.

"I locked my window.." I breathed out, puzzled I furrowed my eyebrows together. 

"I know..Lottie was awake, she let me in around six this morning." Emotion flooded his voice, as I squinted my eyes shut, the visuals of last night playing back into my mind. How those guys touched me, and handled me..nothing how Harry did. 

I blinked, trying to fight back my tears but, they spoke other wise. I crushed my eyes shut, burrying my face deep into the crook of his arm, hiding there. Soft whimpers left my lips, as the phanton of pain relived themselves.One of the guys had grabbed me so tight, it left a mark on my wrist. 

He squeezed me so tight I was sure that he cut my blood circulation. 

I cluthed tightly onto the cotton fabric of Harry's white t-shirt. 

There was a loud thump outside of my cracked door, as Harry's arm tightened on me, the pain racking my body only intensifying the mental pain.

"Shhh, Angel..I am here" he cooed, his words slipping into that soothing matter as they always did. 

 I dug my fingers into his flesh underneath of the fabric, sruggling to keep myself grounded. Maybe a part of why I was really crying, was because Louis didn't like me? I was that type of person every body liked. I wasn't used to someone speaking so poorly of me. I was that little kitten everybody loved. 

I clung onto harry as I burried my face into his chest, so that he couldn't see me fall a part. No one had ever seen me, like this..I made sure of it, nobody ever seen me cry before. No one had ever knew what I've gone through. How could they? Nobody understood what it is like loving somebody so much that, just being with them wasn't enough..being with them caused

Physical pain. 

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