46:I told you to leave.

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When we get to Louis and Eleanor's house, it is nicely decorated. Beautiful decor, and it smelled like roses. Their furniture looked expensive and luxurious. Honestly it looked like an old rich couple owned the house.

Harry and I proceed towards the kitchen and Eleanor is cooking a meal. Chopping up onions she adds it to the boiling pot on the stove.

"I'm just finishing up," She smiles widely. Her hair is pinned back beautifully. "Lou, is upstairs freshening up" She says. "You both look nice" She grins, and I honestly never see her not smiling.

"Thank you." Harry and I both say at the same time. Niall and Louis both enter the kitchen and they are laughing about something. Eleanor turns off the stove, and drains the pot.

"Lou, will you please get out the champagne cups?" She asks, her hands obviously full. He nods, and obeys her. Their relationship seems so perfect, they are so perfect for each other. I cannot help but notice the rock on her finger. Must have costed a fortune.

"Is it just us coming?" Harry asks while watching Louis pour everyone's drink into the glasses.

"No, a few more friends." Louis says. 

The whole night we sit in the living room, watching the soccer game, enjoying champagne and having a few laughs. Harry and I sit beside each other, his hand is placed on the upper thigh, his fingers tracing circles on them. It sends chills through my body. 

"Do you guys ever want kids?" I suddenly ask. It was just a thought in my mind that caught them off guard.

"Hm, maybe.." Eleanor says glancing at Louis and they both smile. "Not to soon, but in the near future yes." My heart sinks when they question us. The tables have turned.

"What about you guys?"

"No." I quickly say, I try to save myself from the hurt, because I know Harry never wants to be married or have kids. "No, at least not right now..our relationship is still young" I try to sound less harsh and  Harry continues rubbing my leg. My eyes slightly water because, I do often think if I do want to spend the rest of my life with harry and I do..but how can we if we never get to that stage?

"Aw why not? Don't you guys want little jr's running around?" Eleanor smiles, widely. Her eyes are glowing and I've never seen anybody as happy as her. Harry's foot is tapping on their shiny polished wooden flooring.

"We just don't want kids" Harry snapped rolling his eyes. The liqour is kicking in, and I need to remove Harry from this environment. Eleanor's eyes, soften and her cheeks are flushed. She tries to hide her embarrassment.  

A part of me wanted to slap him right then and there for snapping at Eleanor like that, but her children questions were very uncomfortable. Harry and I aren't even done resolving our issues. 

"Sorry" Eleanor whispers and the room in silent. I hear Harry sighing but I don't look at him. My eyes were glued on Eleanor.

 "Thank you for inviting us," I smile and stand up. I fix my dress and I hug Eleanor whispering a Sorry to her. She smiles, and I say goodbye to everyone. Harry stands at the front door, arms crossed over his chest. His eyelids are hooded, and his eyes are inhumanly dark.

When we leave, we get to his car. "I have to drive" I tell him. Harry stifles a laugh, looking at me like I had two heads. "I can drive, I've done it before." He says. "No, you need to let me drive" I tell him, and his forehead wrinkles.

"I've never let anybody drive my car ever..and I'm not going to start" He says through his teeth. I hate when he is drunk, he can handle his alcohol but he is always pissy.

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