33:You're crazy.

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              When we arrived at my house, I got in the shower quickly in and out. After freshening myself up I walk out of the bathroom to see harry's arms crossed behind his head, and his legs crossed each other. His skinny jeans were strewn across the floor somewhere out of my sight. 

His long lean tanned body looked flawless as he layed across the bed. I held the towell tight to my chest, even over my bra and panties. My cheeks quickly heated up, flushed I looked away to toss my clothing into the dirty clothes bin.  

"please turn around." I whispered. I had harry's full attention, his eyes locked on my lips. "No" What did he mean no? "What?" 

Harry chuckled shaking his head. "I said no." my mouth gaped open, "I know what you said but, I say yes so shut your damn eyes" I giggled lightly. He shakes his head and his smile grows. Fine, whatever. I've been fully naked beneath harry before but my body wasn't something I wanted to flaunt. I quickly peeeled off my clothing, draping a long band t-shirt over my body. Maybe I didn't dress in the bathroom because, I secretly loved when harry watched me. It made me feel sexy and confident in ways I've never felt from anybody before.

"Come here" Harry whispered, untucking the duvet he helped me climb into bed. I lay beside harry, he rolls onto his side, it was getting dark out and the only light exposed to us was my bedside lamp. 

"Why are you so far away? I don't like it" Harry grabs my waist dragging me towards him. I shudder when his fingers lightly touch my bum. "Why has nobody ever touched you before?" He says and I gulp.

Harry stared at my lips, while his finger grazed over ever inch of my body. I nervously tried to stay in place but the sparks between us when he touched me like he did wasn't something I could control. 

"I'm clueless, why have you never been fucked before? You must be really good at saying no."

"I've never had to say no" I say, in high school I had lots of guy friends, but they were like me. Smart, and well liked in high school. I've never been in a position when I had to say no. Because nobody ever tried. They knew who my parents were.

"Thats a bullshit lie, look at you. You have all of the right curves, a beautiful smile, and your voice alone is enough to make me hard."

I gasped at his blunt words. Harry smirked, and attached his lips to each one of my fingers. Biting down gently on my finger pads. Harry's wet lips then marked kisses on my neck. His breath is hot against my skin, and it makes goosebumps grow on my skin. I could feel each one of his kisses in the pit of my stomach. "You smell so good," Harry whispers. 

Attacking my lips with his, harry moved his hands to my waist. His tongue swipes my bottom lip but I refuse and he growls. "That is not at all making me happy" Harry scowled. I laugh and shake my head. 

"You like the way I talk to you, don't you?" I feel the muscles in his back. His expression is so dark and timid but, so sexy. My breathing stops and he smiles again, dimples in his cheeks. "It may be dark but I know you're blushing, and I can hear how heavy you are breathing" Harry says. "Answer me Max, I want to hear your sexy voice"

Harry growls and moves his finger against my thigh. "Answer me" He moves closer, I was torn because I wanted harry to touch me but, I also wasn't ready. "Yes, I love it" I whisper and Harry chuckles. He presses a small kiss against my cheek and rolls over.

 "I don't want to hurt you ever, max" Harry engulfs me in a tight embrace. Our legs tangle in each others while I stare at the tv. I try so hard to believe harry, but sometimes I couldn't. It was his fault because he made it so impossible.

"I have something for you." He whispers, and I look up and meet his dark green eyes. "What is it?" 

Harry sits up causing me to roll over. He scrambles his fingers behind his neck unclamping his necklace. I watch carefully as harry brings it around my neck while I move my hair. "What is this for?" 

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