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"I'm your grandmother" She smiles widely, and I can't believe that she actually is. I haven't seen half of my family since I was young. She looks like she wants to hug me but I decide to stand there in shock.

She is rather short, her hair is pretty long she must have dyed the grayness away. 

"I don't know what to say." I obviously state speaking for my silence.

"You don't have to say anything, I just can't believe how beautiful you've become. I remember when you were so little. So cheerful," Tears swell in her eyes and I blandly turn away. 

"Why are you here?" I suddenly ask. She dabs away the tears careful not to mess up her expensive makeup. 

"Your mother invited me down, I always wanted to visit London, and so this is the perfect opportunity. I get to reunite with my grand daughter and, visit a place so beautiful"

"She invited you down? What's the real reason?" I frown, It has to be more then just to see me again. 

"Honestly, she thought maybe I could get threw to you." 

I scoff and roll my eyes. Of course. "Well does she really think if she can't get through to me, someone I don't even know will? She is so pathetic."

"Sweetie, I won't try and give you advice on who you want to be with or who you want to be, that is your choice. I just want you to be happy."

"Thanks, but I will be late for work." I tell her and quickly walk to the elevator stepping inside when the doors open.

               "Maybe your mother really wants to, make up for the years." I shook my head denying it. 
"Well i'm not the least bit impressed. She insults you and I, then sends my..whatever she is to me here to try and talk me into leaving you! How can you possibly be on her side?" I said deeply, looking up from my book.

"So what, she will get the message that you're not leaving me sometime, so just try and have a relationship with her..for me?" His voice leaked with pity. My focus remained on the book.

"Oh c'mon! I'd do anything to have my mother" He pleas,determined to get me to change my mind. 

I ignored Harry, I'm not doing this for my mother. She deserves no pity. I wasn't going to feel sorry for her, she'd done this to herself dammit. 

On the other hand, I have no idea how Harry feels to have no family besides his sister who he has no contact with. He must feel lonely sometimes, and this would be the least I can do for him. 

"I don't understand" Harry blurts out, but I am still with my face buried in my book. I wasn't really reading, for the past few minutes I've been deciding on giving my mother one more chance. 

"I thought you would do something like this for me." 

"I will harry, alright? It is just very hard too, I've so many things from the past I want to forget but I can't. If I let those things go then she wins. I want her to know how I felt. "

Harry, pulls the book away from my face and closes it placing it on the table. Harry slides onto the couch and takes my shoulder and pulls me backwards. My head is against Harry's chest and his fingers comb through my hair.

"Why did you feel so bad?" 

"Because" I stumble across the words, I've never talked about this with anybody before..not even Lottie. I'm not comfortable with sharing this with anybody, not even Harry the person I've ever been most honest with in my life. 

Far [harry au]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora