31:Not with her.

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Waking up in Harry's arms, felt so amazing, I felt so protected and safe. But today that feeling was different, becaue I wasn't waking up in his arms. I felt the bed for that sleeping figure but it was no where to be found. I flickered open my eyes, it was pretty sunny out and I knew that spring was on it's way..thank god. It was only a few days until spring finally hit, and I was excited to bring out my spring clothing.

I shoved off the duvet standing up out of the bed, I called harry a few times but I received no answer. My feet padded across the cold hardwood floor in the hallway. I took note of the peice of paper hanging by the door, it was adressed for 'Max.' 

I grabbed the note and unfolded it begining to read.

'Went out..I will be back in a few.

I refolded the note in the same creases Harry did. Where had he possibly gone? I sat the note down on the coffee table. Walking towards the bathroom I freshened myself up, I managed my long waves, combing them out with my fingers. After, I slipped on my toms and grabbed my phone. I opend the door walking out shutting the door behind me. 

I followed my usual path to the coffee shop, while walking I texted Harry.

To: Harry
Where are you? I left out to get coffee.

I continued walking scrolling through the tweets on my timeline, my head lifting up very so often too make sure that I wouldn't bump into someone. My phone buzzed when I arrived, I wondered what had taken Harry so long to reply. I pulled open the door, while reading the text.

To run some errands, please don't associate with that dude. Please Max.

I rolled my eyes, did he not trust me? I closed the text shoving my phone into my bag. I walked to the counter leaning over, George never had any buisness early in the mornings, which was great so we could talk.

"Hey pal" I grinned.

"Hey there, max" George lifted his head to look at me. I ordered a pumpkin spice muffin and coffee. George and I talked for several minutes, before he went into the back to refill the coffee containers. I flipped through a few magazines, in the lounge area. I heard the bell ring, my eyes shot up to see zayn walking in. 

My heart beated out of my chest, I hoped he didn't see me but when he spoke my name I knew I was in deep shit. I stood up off of the chair. He walked closer to me, his black boots hitting the stone floor with a loud thump with every step he took.

I back away, in full fear. My fists clenched at my side ready to retalliate if he came any closer. 

"Don't worry...I won't hurt you baby"

My phone began to ring, I assumed it to be Harry but right now was no time to talk. 

"Get the hell out"

"Don't make this difficult" He spat. 

Leading closer towards me, I started to panic. His large hand caught hold of my should shoving me against the wall by the back door. I winced, squeezing my eyes shut at the hard contact. When I, opened them again Zayn's gaze had fallen onto my chest. His fingers has slowly moved down my front. My mind raced, and all I could think about was how Harry just up and left this morning. If we hadn't gone, I wouldn't be in this position. 

The only physical thought I could think of was to scream.

"GEORGE!!!" I screamed.

A large clammy, hand was pressed to my mouth, my scream drownded. 

"Shut up" 

I prayed to god, that George had heard.  My phone had been ringing for the past few minutes.

I whimpered when zayn pressed, his fingertips into my hips. I winced, trying to shove away the pain. 

"What the hell are you doing?" A to familiar voice sounded behind zayn. Zayn withdrew from me, turning round to face the tall figure of Harry. 

"Just having some fun mate." Zayn chuckled, while shaking his head. 

"No..not with her you're not" Harry stepped closer, ripping zayns hand from mine. George came running from the back. "What the bloody hell?" He shouted running over to us.

Harry was livid I could tell by the way his fist were clnched and his forehead was wrinkled in concentration. Harry held out a hand in my direction, I grabbed onto his hand, Harry pulled me towards him, my body grazed Zayns. 

"Oh, comeon Max was enjoying herself..right babe?"

"Please, take her in the back.." Harry spoke towards George. I think this was his first time actually speaking in a decent manner to George.

George grabbed my hand pulling me into the back of the shop. I couldn't stop the tears pouring out of my eyes, I was so lucky that Harry showed up. But I didn't want him to think fighting was the only resolution. 

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