43:Did you mean what you said?

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I wake up the next morning at six, I got barely any sleep last night. I tossed and turned most of the night. I had to get up and make me some milk so I could fall asleep. I went to bed around midnight which was not my plans.

Reign isn't here she left around 11 to go stay at Kee's dorm with her. I still need to talk with Kee but the time is never right. I get dressed, I want to look very sophisticated...well, not that but very well cleaned up.

I get dressed in, a black dress, that comes mid thigh. Nothing to exposing or inappropriate. I wear a pair of my heels and decide what to do with my hair. I put on some light makeup. Foundation, Eyeliner, Mascara and blush. I curl the ends of my hair but they turn out more like big curls. Whatever. 

I tidy up our dorm a little. I make my bed, vacuum quickly and do the dishes. The last I seen my parents they were very particular of everything. Everything always had to be perfect, and a certain way. 

I nervously gulp when they knock. I suddenly wish Harry was here to help ease the nervousness because I know he would. I slowly open the door and they still look the same. My mother is dressed in a long dress and a pair of heels, her hair is curled at the ends and it hangs over her shoulders. My father has grown some grey hairs but, he still hasn't aged any. 

He is in a suit and tie and is wearing his usual dress shoes. Believe it or not, I've never seen him out of a suit and tie unless it was in his pajamas. 

"Well can we come in?" She says, and I snap out of my thoughts and I let them inside. I shut the door and they both hug me. 

"You've grown up so much, Max" My mother holds me longer than my father and her eyes water slightly. She lets go and I smile. She still doesn't look like she is in her forty's. We decide to go out for breakfast instead of gathering in my small dorm. We drive in my fathers truck and we soon arrive after I give them directions in the back.

We discuss what I'm majoring in, and how long I plan to be in college and I have no idea. Thank god they haven't brought up Harry yet. "How is it in Scotland?" I ask. Trying to get the attention off of me. I'm a little uptight and uncomfortable. 

"It's great! Everybody misses you" My mother speaks and eats her salad. My father sips down his water deciding not to order anything. 

"I miss everybody too" No, I actually don't I never really had a relationship with any of my family, I don't even have any memories with them, but it was the polite thing to say.

"So, who is this..Harry?" My father asks, and my head shoots up. I knew it was coming, why am I surprised. 

"A friend.." I say.

"His friend niall has told us he is much more than a friend.." I stay quiet and pick at my lettuce with my food.

"Don't pick at your food dear," My mother says and I sit down my fork. She's still the same.

"I would love to meet him, I need to know about who my daughter is dating." My mother smiles and I nod.

"Why don't you invite him to breakfast with us?" My father asks. No. No. No. That is the last thing I want especially after last night.

"Yes..you should, we owe it to him..after all without him we wouldn't be here" My mother says, and I suppose she is right. I know if it wasn't for Harry they wouldn't have bothered trying to get in touch with me, but I force a smile.

"Well, since we're staying for another week how about we meet tomorrow?" My father offers and I want to leap across the table and hug and thank him, because, I should inform Harry before I just decide to call him and ask him to meet my parents while we are still fighting. But instead I nod and agree with him.

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