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Chapters from this point on were written months ago and arent up to date or edited so im sorry if they're not as good as they should be, these are not recently written, please excuse these.

7:39 P.M - Friday, October 5

I was almost done my hair, second thinking going to this classy party. I wasn't ready to meet so many millionare faces, this was a once in a life time thing, something I could only dream about doing. Why did it come so easy?

I curl the last piece of hair, Eleanor let me borrow a silver and black metalic laced dress, which I paired with the heels I've had here since, last week.I can't believe it's been a whole week since I left the apartment. I do kind of miss it, I miss the comfort it brought to me. It brought me comfort only there could.

I was comfortable here, but I felt home at the apartment. I shake away my thoughts, slipping on my last heel, when I hear chattering from downstairs. I'm so lucky I have a friend like eleanor, who will drive all the way to the city to take me to a party.

I even invited her, but she told me she wanted me to talk to famous faces, not her. I really appreciate how much she cares. And she knows how much this means to me. More than anyone. I apply one more coat of lipgloss and I leave the bedroom shutting the door behind me.

I thank eleanor multiple times for letting me wear this dress. I promise to try and not to spill wine all over it and she laughs. I don't even plan on drinking, maybe they might think I'm not a formal 19 year old. Maybe it would be weird if I didn't.

I don't know what I am going to say or do, I don't even know what to expect from these people. I'm sitting on the couch with Eleanor, when Harry and Louis both strolls towards us. I can sense the way Harry looks at me, whenever i'm ready to go out or get drunk Harry gives me a look that says, "i want to rip your clothes off."

Blood raises to my cheeks, and I quickly look down, biting my lip and my cheeks fluster behind my makeup.

Harry's POV.

Why does she have to do this to me? Whenever we're in a fight, she always looks her best. She puts on a sexy ass dress, and those heels. She does her hair just the way I like it. Then when she sees me looking at her, she will quickly look away from me, all innocently but in reality she wants me to fuck her..right here, infront of Eleanor and Louis both. I know it, she'll never admit it though.

"Eleanor, are you ready?" Max stands up and, I wonder why Max had never worn that dress before. It hugs her body so perfectly at the top, then it gets looser at the ends, and all I can imagine is sliding my hand wanderously over her thigh infront of all those people, even the famous ones. Touching her right there because I can.

"Max, why doesn't Harry go with you instead? I think it would help you guys if you are around other people..where you can't fight as much." Little does Eleanor know, it doesn't matter where we are, we could be infront of the damn president and fight. We would be at each others throats in front of the queen of England.

"I have a nice suit Harry can wear..and the shoes might be to small for those feet of his..but, I think it's worth it." Louis offers, and I try not to glance at Max. I know she doesn't want me to go, because if she did she would have asked me.

"No, I'm not wearing no damned suit." I quickly stall out of the room, leaving the three in confusement. I don't know why I didn't just go, but I didn't want to dress up for some damn celebrities, and people who don't mean shit to me. I can wear what the hell I want, and if I show up there in my own torn up clothes then I will.

Max's POV

"I'm sorry, I was trying to help." Eleanor gives me a genuine smile. Wrapping her arm around my shoulder we quickly leave.

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