83: Roses and Sushi?

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5:45 am, October 10, 2014

it was finally monday again and the long weekend was over. I had already showered, curled my hair and threw on a long black pencil skirt and my black heels.

I hated that even in the fall or winter we had to still wear skirts and open toed heels to work.

I caught the bus at exactly 6 O'clock and was off the bus, walking the last few blocks to the building. The irritating wind, whipped around my mess of hair and numbed my cheeks and nose.

Once I reached the office, I quickly caught the elevator to the third floor, tapping in. Before I headed to my office where I knew a stack of papers were waiting on my desk for me, I proceeded towards the break room where donuts and coffee were advertised.

Helping myself I indulged in two donuts and a cup of black coffee to wake me up a little bit.

It's not that I minded being at work, I hated the hassle of getting to work. Sometimes the busses ran slow, or it was bitter cold. I really need to look into getting that apartment soon.

Once I reached my office, I say down in my favorite spinny chair and sat down my coffee next to my papers. I loved sitting in this chair and having my own little setup, it made me feel professional and much more older and mature. I loved being at work because it brought me a peace of mind and I could get lost in some beautiful writing.

Before I opened a stack of papers I took a look around my office at the pictures of Harry and I, it made me feel sorrowful but it's nothing that I can do more between us.

As the day proceeds I find myself so, very captivated by this book called 'A million faces'. The writing format is written and pieced so beautifully, that I cannot take my eyes off of it for long.

Just as I went to flip the page a small knock on the frame of my door pulled me from the book as my head snapped up to the dark and long haired man.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." Chance smiles and steps inside of my small office as I stand up to greet him. He is dressed in a usual black tux and his hair is combed back nicely, complimenting his features. He is also holding a small thing of roses in his left hand.

"no, of course not." It was a first that I actually seen Chance in this part of the building, I remember him telling me that he worked in a different part.

"Good." He smiles and I do too. "I was running some errands for mrs. Vacanti and I thought I would stop by to say hello." He rubs the hair on his jaw. "And to give you these." He hands them over to me and he looks.. anxious.

I gladly accept them and I bring them to my nose to smell them. That was thoughtful of him. "Thank you, that is very sweet of you chance." I had never had anyone take the time out of their day to buy my roses. It was a sweet gesture of him.

"They smell so nice." I smile and hold them to my nose a little longer. "I need to find a vase for them." I lay them down on my desk.

"Well I should get going before I lose my job." We share a laugh and a quick gentle embrace. Chance is so mature and sweet compared to Harry who Is the total opposite of him. I don't even know why I'm comparing him to Harry.

Of course chance is much older than him, maybe in his late twenties early thirties but I need someone who is ready to settle down just as I, someone who is grown up and has the desires of an adult.

Harry's POV

I found myself in my bedroom all day. I haven't left it except for maybe twice to piss or to get a sandwich. I sat down at the little desk in my bedroom where max always read or wrote down things. Things as small as ideas that came to her head, to do lists or things she found interesting throughout her day. I loved that about her, I loved how she kept her life in order and how nothing was ever amiss.

She was so picky and such a perfectionist and sometimes that annoyed me, but I loved that.. I loved that she knew how to get under my skin just by a couple of words. And I loved the person she showed me I could be, the person deep within me that I never knew existed.

That sounds corny as fuck but god I loved that girl more than life itself. I couldn't let her slip through my fingers again.

It was taking everything in me not to show up at her work to pick her up and and take her home, I craved her and her presence.. but I knew that wasn't fair and I wanted to grant her the space she asked for. It's the least I could do, I didn't want to push her further.

Max's POV

After work I grab my bag full of papers and stories I have to edit once I got home. It wasn't necessary for me to bring the stories home, but I did anyways for whenever I got bored of reading real books. I needed something to get my mind off of my twisted thoughts.

As I waved goodbye to all of my co workers, I caught the elevator to the last floor where I scanned my id at the front desk and stepped outside of the sliding doors.

It was already 3pm on a Monday, and I knew the busses were already going to be filled because of rush hour and the taxis were probably gonna have a long wait on them. I had no one to call besides the few maybe three friends I had and I already bugged them enough with my problems.

Just as I started to walk to the corner of the street an all black Mercedes car pulls up beside me and the window is rolled down revealing a smiling Chance.

"Get in, do you need a ride?" He yells so that I could hear him from the sidewalk. Wow, he drives a beautiful, yet expensive car, he must have money out of the arse.

I quickly run towards his car, sliding in the passenger seat, I shut the door behind me and put on my seatbelt.

"thank you, a lot. The busses would have been a hassle to ride today."

"You take the bus home?" he asks as he peels off into the street stopping at the first red light.

"We'll ha- I usually get picked up but I think the bus will be my best bet for now." He nods and looks at me.

"There's a sushi place a block over, are you hungry?" he asks me and I begin to remember how hungry I am, and how I skipped out on lunch to stay in my office to continue reading a story I fell inlove with, such a nerd.

"Are you hungry?" He laughs and I instantly feel my cheeks begin to warm up, when I forgot to answer him. "Yes, sorry." I look at him eagerly but he is paying attention to the street.

After the sweet lunch Chance took me to, he takes the fifteen minute drive to Eleanor's house where I get dropped off at. "Call me when you get in safely." And I start to tell him that he never gave me his number but I see him pulling out a piece of paper, I don't know why he didn't have me put it into my cell phone.

He hands me the paper and I see his name written at the bottom of it with a heart next to his name. I crack a small smile and I look at him. He's clever. "Thank you, for the wonderful roses, and lunch." I smile and I hop out of his car.

Hey!! SORRY for the short chap, I know, I suck. I lost inspiration and I didn't want to make it totally horrible so I stopped here, but mhm a new love interest for max??! what do you guys think of chance?

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