30 | Unzip your dress.

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The fairground was quite outgoing, dancing lights everywhere and loads of people taking on fun activities. The only negative was the irritating grass itching its way up my legs. It was warmer than usual out tonight, and I thought I'd wear a dress, stockings and my toms. 

It was dark out but the bright stadium lights authorized harry's perfections that I couldn't see in the dark. 

"What do you want to do first?" Harry looked over at me, our hands were laced together, and I loved being like this with Harry. Before I could speak out and answer Harry, Eleanor and Louis walked over to us. We smiled and hugged each other while, we began to chat. We stood talking and laughing for a few minutes. 

"You look so cute, Max" Eleanor giggled, I noticed she eyed my dress a few times, she must have really liked it. 

"Thank you," I smiled, lathering out the dress, I noticed Harry look over at me, reaching his hand out to grab mine. Harry found a way to scoop El, and Lou away so that we could have some fun. It wasn't that we didn't enjoy their company but we wanted to be alone.

After about an hour, Harry and I played a few games, which of course I beat him at. What can I say? I'm a competitor. He won me an adorable huge bear, which was half of my size. And we had a fun Ferris wheel ride. I snacked on my cotton candy, feeding Harry some while we gathered around in the field because the fireworks were starting soon.

Harry and I found a place near a few of Harry's friends, Eleanor sat beside me while I stood up for a better view of the fireworks. The wind started to pick up, and of course I would have been stupid enough to think the weather would all of the sudden change.

Harry wrapped his arms around my neck while he stood behind me, we watched the fireworks go off in the sky. They were so pretty. I brought out my phone snapping a few pictures of the fireworks. 

Harry and I smiled in a picture, with the fireworks behind us, I snapped the picture and showed Harry. I heard Eleanor and Louis chuckling at us, while they shared a lawn chair. Harry shook his head and returned his attention to the fireworks.

Lottie, Maria and Ali all were at the fair but they were together all hanging out. They gave me shit about why I was with Harry and not them, but I didn't care on my behalf. 

Harry's hands moved from around my shoulders to rest on my waist. Harry seemed to get bored with the ongoing fireworks, but I on the other hand found them quite entertaining. Harry and I didn't share everything the same.

He moved my hair to one side of my neck, while he kissed on the skin of my neck. I wasn't sure what gave me the goosebumps, Harry or the wind whipping around. "Harry" I moaned.

Harry licked the sensitive area while his lips moved the my ear. He took my earlobe in between his teeth drawing back he let it slip out of the teeth. "Can I take you home, now?" 

I knew exactly what harry's words meant. I spun around, Harry's eyes drawn to mine. I nod and weakly smile. I knew everyone would be suspicious that we left so abruptly but I wasn't in any trance to think of that. Harry and I quickly ran back to his car. We settled down in our seats and before Harry could start the car we were sharing his seat.

My legs on either side of Harry's while I straddled him, the seat reclined giving us more room. I knew that if we drove back to mine or Harry's that I would over think what we were about to do, here was better.

Our lips crashed together, my hands raked through Harry's loose curls, His arms strongly wrapped around my back keeping me from going anywhere. I pulled apart from Harry's lips, gasping lightly for air. Harry's lips had pressed a kiss to the column of my throat.

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