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Train - marry me.

Train- when I look to the sky.

Harry's POV.

I'm already awake when Max enters the kitchen, sleep coating her features. Her small hand reaches for an apple off of the center of the island. My eyes are nothing like hers, whereas mine are fully shaded with redness, dark bags pooling underneath of my eyes. I didn't sleep which explains why I was awake before she even got a chance to open her eyes this morning.

My mind replayed, the tears in her eyes countless times. Even if the tears were from Eleanor's broken heart, I was the cause of that. She carefully bites into her apple, reading through a newspaper left on the counter from last week. Her eyes skim across the dingy page, eyes wide with shock while she reads on.

"I will drive you to the campus.." I break the silence between the two of us. She wasn't going to say anything, I had to. She leaves her finger on the place she left off on, dark blue eyes meeting my sorry ones.

"How do you know if I have to go to the campus? I don't go there full time now."

"You told me your schedule a couple weeks ago..You don't work full time at the office until Monday." I have yet shocked her, I actually listen to her. I may not seem so interested in the time she tells me things, or I may seem to not care as much as her, but I remember small things she tells me. Even if it's just small parts of her day that made her laugh, or a joke.

"Oh." She wasn't expecting that from me, and honestly neither was I. Her eyes find the part of the article where her finger was place, continuing to read. Her eyebrows are pulled together while she tried to comprehend something she is reading. I already know she had re read it so many times, to get a better understanding-to picture it in her mind.

"What is the article about?" I clear my throat, walking towards the fridge, I retrieve a water bottle.

"Oh, It was just telling the story about a missing little girl..it is just remarkeable. People are out to destory this world." She contemplates. Max stands up placing the stem of the apple, into the bin. I watch her pass through the dining room, leaving me in the kitchen while the door of the kitchen closes behind her.

Before I can take a deep breath and appreciate something as little as her talking to me this morning, the door is then opened revealing a messy haired Louis. "You're up early..what's going on?" He wonders, opening the refridgerator.

"I didn't sleep.."

"why? did max kick you out?" He teases, and I'm really sick of Eleanor and Louis both making snude comments about Max and I. They wouldn't make those comments if they didn't know every detail going on in our relationship. Hell they wouldn't even know we're fighting.

I fight back the anger building inside of my body as the time passes. I can only imagine strangling Louis with my bare hands in the process. It would have been a whole lot less stress if Max would have not come here..or have not left at all. Then again I took the advantage of kicking her out.

"When do you plan on telling her? You can't hide from her. If it's one thing I know, you need to be truthful when you're in a relationship. It isn't always easy, especially for you..but don't you think she deserves to know?" Louis is very tempting, but also more than right. He is making a point that i've never thought of. Max deserves to know about my past, and by my past I mean all of it. Sometimes I sit and wonder if she really knows me, the way I know her.

I scratch the back of me neck, I need to find the right time to tell max. Explain everything to her this time. I won't keep anything from her any longer. I at least want to wait until after her birthday, I don't want her to worry about anything else from now on.

Far [harry au]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя