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Max's POV.

I try to read through my notes, I try to focus on one thing, but whenever I read something remotely close to the letter H, the events from earlier are pushed to the front of my mind. The way harry was begging on his knees, the way his eyes were nicely coated with fresh tears, and the way he pleaded for me to stay. Eveything was too much for me to calculate right now.

"I'm scared of being without you." My heart trembles identical to the way it did when I first heard Harry say it. I shove my hands through my hair, tugging at the roots brutally. If I continued to tug I was sure my hair would rip out of my scalp and i'd be holding my full head of hair in my hands.

My heart tightened and I could clearly see Harry on his knees infront of me, begging for my mercy. I completely broke his heart when I turned away, but it was nothing the way Harry daggered me in the chest.

Countless times.

I lay flat on the king sized bed, as I reach into my pocket. I find myself searching through my contacts, purposely stopping on Harry's. I couldn't call him, I wasn't emotionally ready to forgive what he has done to me. I don't know if I will ever get over the lies. I was dangling off of a cliff by a fingertip with Harry.

My mind is jumbled as my phone vibrates in my hands. An unknown numbers flashes over my screen, and I stare at the number for a while. Who could this be calling at two in the morning. My finger nonetheless swipes across the screen, and I press the phone tightly against my ear.

"Hi, this is the local police department calling. We are notifying you because Harry Styles is here with us." The man speaks over the phone, and my heart settles to my stomach. Why would Harry be at the police station at two in the morning? What the hell is this boy capable of?

My fingers shake and the phone almost slips past my fingers. "I-I..Is he okay?" My voice shakes and does my voice -worry laces my voice. I'm afraid I don't known if I want an answer.

"he is fine, we arrived after a phone call because of destruction of property." The man notifies me. I really was going to fail my finals.

"I-I will be there as soon as I can" I promise pressing end on the phone, and my mind is back to square one. I have so many thoughts in my head right now, nothing is making sense.

After slipping on a sweater and a pair of boots, I find myself knocking at the door of Eleanor and Louis'. I didn't know where else I could borrow a car from.

The door is twisted open revealing a yawning Eleanor. Her pajamas are crinkled and her hair is tied up in a messy bun. Sleep coats her features.

"I'm so sorry Eleanor, but I need to borrow your car" I'm quick to panic. I find myself not able to keep in one spot for too long and so does Eleanor. My fingers fumble together in anxiety. My breathing is slown down and my eyes dart anywhere but at Eleanor.

"Why? Is everything okay Max. Are you troubled? It's two in the morning.." Her voice is groggy and musted. She steps out of her room closing the door behind her, in consideration of waking Louis out of his slumber.

"I'm fine..It's just H-" My mind is refreshed with how many times Harry has warned me not to tell Eleanor our business. I can only respect his wishes. "I just need to go do something." She nods understandingly. "Yes, of course..the keys are on the table downstairs." She tells me and I hug her tightly.

I can never thank Eleanor enough for putting up with all of the trouble I've caused her. She's done so much for me in just several days. I stalk downstairs in the living room snatching the keys as they clink together. I run towards Eleanors car bringing it to life.

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