16:Trembling hands.

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Baby…” I whisper to her, my voice extra raspy from just waking up. An annoyed sigh, left Max's parted lips. She turned around to me with her arms crossed over one another.

"I am not letting you leave me..not until we are on good terms." I spoke, her eyes softened at my words. "I'm not letting another person walk out of my life." I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me, kissing her as soon as her lips were within reach. It was a frantic and desperate kiss, both of us trying to express how we really felt through that brief connection. Max tangled her hands in my hair tugging, holding my lips to hers as she walked us backwards to the bedroom.

I slid his hands down her body, stopping to grasp the back of her thighs, “Jump,” I whispered, parting our lips for a moment, catching her and holding her firmly as I carried her to the bed.

I went to reattach our lips, but Max's hand on my chest stopped me from doing so, “Harry, I can’t do this,” her voice was barely over a whisper and for the first time, I realized just how scared she looked. I searched her eyes for more of an explanation. I wanted Max to know that I would never hurt her. I never felt like this before, I wanted Max to stay. 

"Baby," I whispered grabbing Max's hand as she walked towards the door detaching our embrace. "Don't walk away..tell me whats wrong, please"

"I just wanted somebody to love me," I noticed the tears neared to leave her eyes. "I wanted somebody to love me for me, and not for being an attractive model. I've never had someone genuinely care about me..so don't pretend that you do," Her words were weak, and shuddering.

"I do max," I reached out to grab her but she pushed me away increasing the space between us.

"Harry you have those girls, you don't need a simple girl like me.."

"I-is that what Eleanor told you?" I said softly, my voice still with conviction.

A tear that had been waiting to fall, now takes its plunge down her cheek. 

"I hear about you all the time." she paused trying to blink back the tears. She looked so bland, and like the blood drained from her face. She sobbed. My heart trembled listening to her. I didn’t know what to do. What was I supposed to do? I’ve been sleeping with other girls and she… "Give me a reason to stay. I don’t want to leave," she continued. I grabbed her waist tightly as I pulled her closer to me. "I don’t want you to leave. But you won’t be happy with someone so wrecked like me," I explained. A long sob came out of her and her grip loosened.

"Does this mean that I leave?" 

"I would be happy if you stayed..but is there anything I can do to change your mind?"

Max just stared down at the floor beneath us, her waves falling over her shoulders hanging past her boobs. "When was the last time you had a girl stay over?"

"Never..I never let them stay..just you baby." 

I thought that, that remark would have made a difference to Max but, apparently it didn't. I sighed, and reached my hand into my pocket staring hopelessly at her.

"Whens the last time you slept with a girl?"

"Three weeks ago..right after I met you, I hadn't"

The tears in her eyes have solidified. They silently roll down her cheeks as she gazed at me. Trying to form the words at her lips, she desired to speak. 

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