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△ song for the chapter ; wake me up, by avicii△

After a long four hours as the intern, I'm picked up by Harry just outside of the office building. I pull my bag higher on my shoulder, and get inside of the car.

"Hey" Harry turns down the music. I shut the door once I am in and he pulls off.

"I forgot to tell you how nice you look in that sexy secretary outfit." I inwardly smiled as I eyed the beautiful man beside me. 

"Thank you." I whisper, turning to look out the window, pondering over what I am going to say to him. I already know if I accuse him he will start yelling and I hate fighting with Harry more than anything in the world.

His hand is placed on my thigh, a little high up my skirt and I blush. 

"How was your first day?" I stop humming to the song in the background. 

It was great besides the fact, oh you know I had lunch with zayn who you just beat up a couple of days ago..which you forgot to tell me about, but other than that it was amazing! 

"Fine." I gush, my voice held an edge to it, surely noticed by Harry. 

"Why is it only fine, you were so excited for this.."

I don't say anything. I need to wait until we get home so if I need to I can storm or run out, I can't do that in a car, unless I want to jump out on the traffic filled boulevard.


I sit on the edge of the bed and take of my heels. I wiggle around my toes for some type of blood circulation. I will never wear these heels again. 

Harry takes a quick shower, I lay back on the vast amount of pillows that harry finds absolutely ridiculous. I scroll through twitter while I wait for him to return. The water is muted and sooner harry is revealed behind the bathroom door. 

I hold back my smile, his long torso is fully revealed, as the white towel is hung low on his hips revealing his happy trail. His fingers are rustling around the wet ringlets on his forehead. I try to tear my eyes apart from him, but it isn't happening. 

My eyes struggle back to my phone as I continue to scroll down my time line. Harry changes into a pair of boxer briefs and his usual joggers. 

I lock my phone and place it beside me. I breathe in and I look up at Harry. Eyes traveling up his body to his face. "I saw zayn today." 

"Oh yeah?" His voice is genuinely not surprised at all. 

"Yeah..did you beat him up like that?" I'm not expecting a simple answer instead a mouthful of hurtful words, and distinguished language. 


Instead I get the truth. I gasp and my heart tightens. Zayn will always mean a lot to me. Only on a friendly level. I can't believe harry would do that to him, even though he just told me he did. 

"Why?" I stand up. I don't know what to do.

"It was for a good reason,"

"That wasn't my question" I argue.

"I seen him a few days ago, he was talking shit..how you guys used to be something..how he had you before me."

"So what? You have me now.."

"I know, I was trying to hold back but he kept nagging, and telling me how you used to talk to him and that was my last straw. I didn't want to believe it but I know you guys used to be something. So I ignored you for a while."

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