50:Max is that you?

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{ I won't update until the weekend because I will be with family!  So please comment on this one. Sorry it is short. & Also happy thanks giving if you celebrate it! :) }


"Why would you want to marry me anyways?" Harry subtly askes, while he takes another bite of his pasta. His question caught me off guard. I didn't expect him to throw it at me like that.

"I don't want to right now.." I have to make it clear that I'm not thinking of marrying Harry this young. "I just was always taught that when you really love somebody that you should commit to them, and marraige is the perfect way." I shrug, rinsing off my plate putting it on the top rack in the dishwasher. 

"Because that is how your parents taught you..You come from a perfect family." Harry places his fork down and leans back in the chair. I grab up his plate and I rinse it and put it in the dishwasher also. "I don't need papers and a ring to show you how much I love you." 

"I'm not perfect but, I do come from a perfect family. The only reason my parents are still married is because of me. They wanted to show me, the perfect way to live life but to them I've already ruined that. And if they ever found out that you don't want kids or be married, they will really have it."


"Because they want me to live the perfect life." 

 "Well it isn't up to them." Harry tells me and sheepishly walks to the bedroom. He is right it isn't up to them. I guess Harry and I have different out looks on things. Sadly.

                             "I will be back, I'm going to the store" I tell Harry slipping on a pair of old flip flops. I brush threw my hair and put it up in a pony tail. "Where are you going?" 

"Erm, just around the corner to ASDA. I will be back shortly." I tell him and I grab his house key. "Wait, how are you getting there?" His hands are on his hips and he narrowes his eyes at me.

"I will walk..It is just right around the corner" I tell him trying to find my way to the front door quickly without Harry saying anything.

"What are you getting?"

"Just a few things..soap, shampoo, things like that" I say.

"And tampons?" Harry adds and I flush. This is so embarrassing. How did he know that I was on my period? 

"Maybe." I look away from Harry and hopefully he can't spot the difference between my blush and my redness. 

"I'm going." Harry says, and I don't fight with him. 

                           "Do you need light, medium or heavy babe!?" Harry yells down the long isle. I was currently smelling the shampoo's and I direct my attention to Harry. And older woman is staring at Harry oddly.

"I know you're old but don't act like you've never had your period before." 

She scoffs and moves along. I walk towards Harry and I hit him in the arm. "Maybe you shouldn't be yelling about the sizes of tampons down the isle," I scold, and he shrugs. Harry watches me browse over the pads and tampons.

"Can you go somewhere and stop watching me?" I frown. I feel under pressure, and this is highly embarrassing. 

"Whatever" Harry walks away and I pick up a box. 

In the morning,  Harry drives me to the library for work. I only have one class today thankfully. I'm so exhausted, last night I got no sleep. 

"What time do you need to be picked up?"

I finish plastering mascara on my eyelashes, I close the mirror to the car and I put the makeup away. 

"Erm, I'm not sure. I will call you." I lift my bag over my shoulder adjusting it to my comfotrablity. "Alright. I love you."

"I love you, Harry" Times like this, I actually feel like an older couple with Harry. We move in together, him taking me to work. Everything was so good and I didn't want to think about will end. I walked towards the front doors of the building. 

As I walk down the hallway to the nearest elevator I bump into someone. I hate that the library is on the third floor. "Sorry" I gasp. An older lady, maybe in her 60's stands infront of me. Her hair is dark brown, and she is dressed fancily.

"Max? Max is that you?" She smiles and I squinch my eyebrows. I've never seen this lady a day in my 19 years. 

"I'm sorry" I aploigize, before I dissapoint the lady and tell her I've no clue who she is. "I'm not aware  of who you are?" I frown.

"I've been wanting to see you, for  so long!" She exclaims.Her pastel lips are stretched into a wide smile.

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