39:Ever watch a porno?

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My heart broke while he stood in front of me. "Why have you been ignoring my calls?" Harry asks, and reaches in to grab my hand but I harshly pull it back. 

"Why didn't you tell me about Kee?" I grit my teeth and narrow my eyes. The pain and hurt returning it sinks into my chest and my eyes grow heavy.

"Max" Harry says and I shake my head. "You lied to me!" I yell. Harry grabs my arm and brings me into him. "I didn't lie to you," Harry whispers. I push him away and I run inside. He shortly follows after me. 

"You did lie! You didn't tell me that you were in love with her!" I scream. I am boiling at this point. I was more hurt than angry, and this is what jealously did to me. I turned into a raging monster. Tears hint behind my eyes but I refuse to let them go. I refuse to be more hurt than Harry.

"I..I was never in love with her Max!" Harry shouts back, and it startles me. I don't like arguing with Harry. But he is always the first to say that he would never hurt me. 

"Bullshit! She told me, you told her you loved her and then you up and left her the next day!" I spit, pacing back and forth. I try and regain some control, but anger is raging through the prominent veins under my skin. I was almost nervous that they would explode.

"What does it fucking matter to you!?" He screams and walks towards me. His language is rather intimidating and my eyebrows knit together. Brown boots slashing against the floor. I back away into the wall, leaving no space. I look down at my hands avoiding his pure green eyes. Harry grabs my wrists and pins them against the walls and I fight with him to let go. 

"I hate you Harry" I hiss through my teeth and his eyebrows knit. I don't care I just want to smack that stupid frown off of his face. Harry made me believe that I was the only girl he had ever fallen in love with, I just wonder how many things harry isn't telling me. 

"You don't mean that" His mild, chapped lips move slowly as the confident words roll off of his tongue, he then lets go of my wrists. He sounded almost too sure of his words. I wrap my other hand around my stinging wrist and nod my head. "Yes I do Harry, and you need to go!" I yell. 

"I'm not going anywhere" He tells me, in full confidence. He stands his ground moving towards the end of my bed. 

"P-please get o-" the tears begin to spill before I can finish my sentence. Harry walks towards me and grabs my hand but this time I don't pull away. He takes my vulnerability by surprise and he slowly speaks. "Why does it matter I left her?"

I can't even look at Harry and speak. My head falls and I ball my fists up while Harry holds it. 

"Why?" He repeats anger evident in the lakes of his voice.

"Because harry you will leave me to!" I yell and push past him. I walk towards the door and I hold it open for him. "So just go now," I say tears spilling down my flushed cheeks. Harry moves towards me and he lifts his hand to wipe my tears and I hold up my hand.

"Don't" I demand shutting my eyes, I couldn't look at him. "leave" I say as calmly as possible. His head falls and he lifts his head to look at me. "Max, I do love you...only you. Please don't think otherwise." He says and steps out of the door walking down the steps I don't think twice about saying nothing to him. I shut the door and climb into my bed.

On Monday, I tried to push Harry out of my mind and focus on my classes. I did my daily routine, Wake up, get to my classes, come home, shower, study, sleep, and do it all over again. I talked to Lottie and my other friends over the week I didn't tell them about Harry and I because I didn't want them drilling me with advice I didn't give a shit about. 

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