69:Breakup. Makeup.

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this chapter is dedicated to the lovely AntoinetteWheatersD, thank you! :-)

Harry's POV.

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Wednesday, October 3 , In the morning, I wake up on a leather couch. Similar to my old one before Max decided that she hated it. My head feels like someone is smashing it against a brick wall multiple times. Which I probably deserve. I can't even remember getting here, but when I open my eyes I know that this is Keira's house.

She is fully dressed, makeup done and she is resting back on the sofa with her phone out occupying her. I clear my throat and I sit up-placing my hand on my head, shutting my droopy eyes, trying to diminish the spinning of the atmosphere.

"You're so hungover. I tried to offer you water last night but you refused and fell right asleep." Sincerity laced throughout her high-pitched voice. She locks her phone and shoves it into her bag. Standing up in her tall heels, she gracefully strides over to her kitchen.

I sigh, lifting my weight onto my feet I slumply walk over to one of the colossal windows that act as walls around her flat. I look down from the high-rise place at the city beneath us. People walking by, I begin to wonder maybe one of those people could be Max.

I start to feel nauseous staring out past the glass. I back away and sit back down on the couch; turning my body, I rest my legs at the other end of the couch, arms tucked behind my head.

"How many floors up is this?" I ask; though I really didn't care.

"Only fourteen." she cooed; moving across the hardwood flooring she hands me a cup of water. I take the freezing glass, as I try to drink away this horrible hangover I've created from lastnight.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't having the time of my life lastnight with Keira. She somehow actually got my mind off of Max. I didn't think it was possible; even if I am drinking, Max is the only thing on my mind--but spending time with Keira minimized that.

Keira is walking towards a door, heels mimicking her every step. "Keira." I blurt and she spins around.

"Can you take me to get my car? I think i'm good to drive now." I'm going to go insane if I don't get out of here. I did have a great night, but I need to leave and think over how i'm going to tell max I stayed at a girls house..if I even decide to.

"Yeah, i will be right out."

Max's POV.

Trying on a few more outfits I picked up from the mall yesterday, I decide on a pair of skinny jeans, a pair of flats and a sweater. I'm going to have to find a ride to work today because I'm running low on the money I'm trying to save up for a new apartment.

I wouldn't be telling the truth if I said I don't want things to work out with Harry and I, but I'm more of an independent woman than not. I like the idea of having my own things and living on my own, everything going as I please.

I couldn't actually picture myself living with Harry for so long anyways. We have so many differences among us that living together is not an accurate option. I occasionally check my phone, in hope that Harry would call me again. Maybe this time I would answer.

I find that on my way to work I would check my phone over and over, maybe a couple of times in only five minutes. Harry probably realized that I wasn't going to answer and gave up. I'm surprised that he didn't even come to Louis' house looking for me.

Getting off of the bus, I quickly walk towards the front door of the nice building. I feel a litte under dressed for the day after looking at the men and women who are dressed in nice skirts and tuxedo's.

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