57:Just come home.

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When I wake up, it is two in the afternon. I didn't sleep to badly lastnight on the couch. My mum politely told me I could sleep in her bed but I was okay with the couch. I quickly shower, and blow dry my hair. My mum isn't here and I guess she and my father went out, they're early risers from what I can remember.

I really wish I would have brought my makeup with me, because I don't plan on going home before the party to get it. I steal an apple off of the table. I sit down on the couch and I check my phone. No missed calls, no messages. Wow, he must really not care. I push Harry aside and flip on the t.v enjoying my apple.

I watch whatever is already on, some csi show. Boring. 

I receive a text I assume to be Harry but it isn't when I unlock it. Why did I expect it to be? He obviously doesn't care, so neither should I.

*Are you guys still coming? It would be no fun without you x* The text reads from Eleanor. She is too sweet. 

*Of course!  wouldn't miss it for the world. x* I reply and lock my phone. 

Harry's POV

I'm no where near ready for this party. It is five in the afternoon and it starts at seven. It will take almost 20 minutes to get there. I begin to get ready. Hell if I will dress up. I don't own anything formal. Even if I did, its an engagement party..not a wedding. Sure it's supposed to be classy, and nice but I'm sticking with my black jeans, brown boots, and a white v-neck. 

I can't wait to see max in the dress she picked out. I know she will look stunning. She always does. Always dressing to excess. I really hope she doesn't decide to leave before I get her, I don't want to ask her when should I be there but how else will I know?

*When should I pick you up?* I send cautiously. 

Five minutes. No reply.

Seven minutes. No reply.

Fifteen minutes. No reply. 

Why the hell is she so childish? She can't ignore me forever. Hell this is all of her fault anyway but I'm trying to move past her mistakes and she isn't! I quickly style my hair, glancing at the clock it reads 6:15. I style it back with some wax, pushing the ringlets off of my forehead. 

My used to be very curly, now they're just slight waves. Some parts still hold their natural nature. I blame max. She's caused me so much stress my hair has changed. 

Max's POV

After I curl my hair, and politely ask my mum to use her makeup I change in the bathroom. I know she will have something to say about my one sleeve, tight black sequin dress. Either the length is too short, or it is just to over done. Or maybe even how tall my heels are. Maybe I shouldn't have wore these heels, wouldn't want to outdress the fiance.

I am proved wrong when she compliments my attire. I stand taller than her when we leave. I direct her to Eleanor and Louis house, it takes us twenty five minutes to arrive. When I do there is no parking spaces left. None in the driveway, nor on the street. Wow. 

I search for Harry's car but he isn't here. I assume after the fight he won't show up. That is okay with me. I don't want to ruin their party anyways. I will admit I will feel out of place because Louis and Eleanor were Harry's friends first. Not mine. 

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